Chapter 2 - Heartbreak

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A/N: Hi, guys. Thanks for reading my new story. Can you comment what you think about it? I'd really love to read them.

I wish I'd get more reads, but patience is a virtue! :)

Shout out to: Alizelo for leaving the very first comment in this story. Thanks!

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"What boy?!" Kris fumed expecting for an answer.

Jeez, calm down people.

"Um..." You hesitated. All of their eyes were glued on you waiting for your answer. "Okay, so this boy told me he likes me and he expresses it ALL the time." 

"Is he your boyfriend?" Chen asked and the rest didn't speak nor flinched, they just waited for your answer.

"No!" I quickly replied. "I don't like him the way he likes me."

All 12 guys were so relieved that they all let out a sigh and started moving to a comfortable position. They felt as if their hearts completely stopped for a moment there.

"So?" Baekhyun asked. 

"Um, how do I tell that boy I don't like him the way he likes me in a none hurtful way?" you asked sincerely. You really didn't like him.

The guys started smiling a little.

"He will be broken hearted however way you say it," Chanyeol said and the rest seemed to agree.

"Aigoo, our Andy-ah will be a heartbreaker. This is just the start," Baekhyun crawled closer to you and patted your head. You brushed his hand away and fixed your fringe.

I just brushed my hair a while ago, you bacon!

Kris wrapped put his arm around your shoulder and said, "I know, so this is what you do..." Kris sounded so dramatic as if he had already gotten everything figured out.

"So, invite him to the playground, but don't show up. Let him wait there. and then..."

You were anticipating to the next part of the plan. THEN?

"Then, we'll show up and then we'll handle him from there," he smirked and said as if it were nothing. Everyone else laughed in agreement.

Your jaw dropped. YOU EVIL.

"Yeah! Do that!" Chen, Xiumin, and Tao second the suggestion.

"Oh my gosh, forget it!" You blurted. You unwrapped Kris' arm around your shoulder.

They were still laughing and you felt your cheeks getting hot.

Chanyeol pinched your cheeks again.

I can never get anything serious out of them.

"Let's go do something outside guys." Luhan was itching to do something outdoors since the very moment you got there.

"Let's go play football! The weather's kinda chilly, but it's still fine," Xiumin suggested. Everyone agreed and you all prepared to leave. 

Kris, Chen, Xiumin, Luhan, Tao and Lay were a team. Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Kai, and Sehun were the other team. You were the scorekeeper and the 'water girl', like always.

You sat on the cemented stair and kept watch with everyone's stuff. A sweaty Luhan approached you for a high-five and you returned it. Each member came to you and you gave them a drink or just cheered for them whenever they come near you.

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