Mirror mirror side by side
Silence silence can't abide
Sky has been shattered right
Can't be a starry, starry night
Hell no, i won't fight
Not till I see the fractured light
It's too easy to lie
Watch as who you are will die
Didn't ask to where a mask
But I'm the who did decide
Where's the mask they will ask
Too late to say I've lied
Singing minutes in my head
Watching as I lay dead
Mirror mirror can't abide
Silence silence side by side
Dancing dancing to a silent tune
Listening listening to a rising moon
Don't know where it'll lead me to
Escape a maze, something new
Shining broken light that's old
Too late, has been sold
Breaking a wall, that is bold
That's what my head's been told
The path hasn't been to long
But been listening to a empty song
Dancing dancing to a rising moon
Listening listening to a silent tune
At the break, there's a burning fire
All to set him right is a burning liar
Turning right was a mistake
Found myself drowning in a lake
Turning left was to soon
Tripped my way down a dune
There is no turning back
That's an option I have lacked
I tried running straight
But found myself to be to late
At the break, there's a burning liar
All to set him right is a burning fire
Compilation of Poetry
PoetrySome times I just gotta get stuff off my chest. Cry for attention? Probably not. Just want to see if others appreciate my poetry. See what others think. Hey, maybe my emotional side can entertain. :)