(Chapter three) Edited

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*Johanna's POV*

I'm at the mall shopping as the usual. I have been shopping at the mall for about, I pulled out my phone and looked what time it was, its 3:40 and got here at 12:32 so i have been at the mall for about 4hrs. I spaced off and started to think about my 'best' friends Taliana who is nice, and sweet but she is also shy. Then There was Stacey, yuck Stacey.

I'm so sick of her, she thinks she runs the joint! At school she is popular, at home she acts like she is an angel and convinces her parents shes all good, and in public she is just so perfect! Well its not true she has some issues and they are over the stupidest things and im just sick that she gets to have all of the guys crawling at her feet asking her out but she is just rejecting all them like they are nothing.

I'm so sick of her she is such a totel drama queen! I hate her i have to get revenge on her for making me her little slave in the group, she is like 'Get this,and get that for me, do this!' Bossing me around like I'm total trash. Reveng-

I was interupted by a guy. Not just a guy, a good looking guy and he is walking my way so i made sure that i looked good or at least ok.

''Hey whats your name beautiful?''

I was ethusiastic on the inside i was trying to stay calm, I finally said that my name was Johanna.

''My name is Johanna, Johanna McClure.'' i said with a sweet tone.

'' Well my name is Chaz Somers.''

'' Well Chaz i have to go sorry i just met you but i have to get home and do some chores my mom said so.''

''Wait can i at least get your number so me and you can talk or hang out together you know when you not busy in all.'' he asked

'' Sure do you have a pen or a pencil?'' 

'' Um here you go.'' Handing me the pen.

'' Well go to go text you later.'' i said with a smile on my face while walking away.

''Okay, bye'' Chaz said with a small glint of happieness in his eyes.

He was attractive maybe he is my mate! I'm so happy now. I am very hesitave about myself and what my actoins are especally twards guys..

*Chaz's POV*

I was in the mall hitting up some nice stores with my friend Ryan, and all of a sudden i smelt a sweet sent of perfume and i followed it leaving my best bud Ryan behind in Hot Topic. I followed the sent to see a beautiful girl standing a few feet away from me looking at some freguences it had on a shelf to try on. Then she caught me looking at her and out of no where i just starting walking twards her with having no control over my legs and my mouth clearly. I just said

''Hey whats your name beautiful?'' 

I was kind of uncomfortable what i just said to her after a few minutes she finally said something, ''My name is Johanna, Johanna McClure.'' Oh my gosh she has such a cute name and also her voice is soothing.

Then five minutes later and i am still talking to the pretty girl i got her number but then she had to leave just because of her mom said that she has to do some chores ot things around the house. I wanted to hang out with her today but i cant just ditch Ryan like that.

 I have to tell Ryan what just happened to me well if i find my way back to the store or i have to go and find him either way.

I went back to Hot Topic and bought some more stuff like wrist bands and a couple of belts and i found ryan he was looking at the earings but i didnt want to imagine or see him with girl earings so i grabbed his arm and started walking out to the car and then got in the vecicle and drived me and him home.

Johanna looked so pretty with her dark brown curled hair down her back, a perfect tan not to dark and not to light, her outfit was amazing she was wearing a black fowing long layered top and some skinny jean that it starts form the ankles with a blue color turning into purple by her waist. Then she was wearing thses black leather boots with spikes, small belts, and they had zippers in the back her whole outfit matched her personality. I think I might like her no wait i might, might, might l-l-love her.

After that i told ryan about the whole Johanna mall incident then  i looked at him but he was just in shocked of what i just said and then he says.

 ''Dude she just might be your mate, your love of your life.'' he said excitedly

I was in shock im only 17, and i bet you she is only 17 to, i got to admitt she was pretty cute... Now i just have to see if she feels the same way about heaving a 'mate'. I'll just hang out with her in a few days then i will ask her if she has a mate or not.

What if she has a 'Mate' already and i just didn't know it or not if she has a mate im so screwed. 'She's cute and funny with a great personality just except the fact that your possibly her mate, man.'

Almost forgot there is a full moon tonight now its 8:23pm. Already? It starts at 8:30 for some odd reason i dont know why but, I ran out to the dark woods to get ready to form into my  regular brown wolf.


How was it i know the last chaper was short sorry i was in a hurry and this one might be short to but for sure I'll make a longer one tomorrow.

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I dont really care.

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