Mom I just want to thank you for every thing that you've done for me. I know its hard writing thus and expressing myself in this, but its true,I just really thank you .You have being there for me all along. You're not just a mom to me, but you are like a true friend to me.
Mommy,I love you so much and one thing that I keep on noticing is that every day you are working very hard to keep us happy and keep us together as a family and get more along with you. You're very bossy and sometimes your pain in the ass, but you're still fun and a very cool parent, and I love you that way because you're the only understanding person because of you I couldn't be happy. I love you mom!-Danny
*this was suppose to be yesterday's update*
Just A Girl Story
Non-FictionThis story is just about myself. I will talk about my feelings, write down poems and quotes I made or I like. I will tell you interesting things about my life etc. Enjoy!!