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Allah, the lord of the universe, He is the one who fulfils all the needs of his creations. He is الرحمان and الرحيم ,which means The most Gracious and The most Merciful.He is the One who fills the hearts of His creations with love and Mercy.

All that love shown by the Mother Hen to protect her chicks from any attacks of the Mighty eagle, the way how a Fierce lioness caresses her cub and how a mother takes care of her son is all because of the 1 percent of total mercy Allah has sent down to the earth. The rest 99 percent is saved by Him for His believers in Jannah.

The value of the mere air we breath in without any difficulties would be understood if we are admitted to a hospital and given an oxygen mask for a day. The high cost would make us wonder how much we would have to pay for our lifetime if Allah had put a price for the oxygen we breath in for free. But Alhamdullilaah, we have the most Merciful Lord who just asks to worship him alone for everything he has given us.

What will happen if the sun was a bit far from where it actually is? We will be numbed because of cold. But what if the sun is a bit closer to the earth? Then we all would be burnt to death. That's the Mercy of Allah. He has positioned it so well, Alhamdullilah, that we get the right amount of heat.

If we think of all other things, then we will realise Allah's blessings are countless.

وإن تَعدُوا نِعمَة الله لا تحصُوها إن الله لغَفُورُ رََََحِيم

And if you should count the favors of Allah , you could not enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.(Surah Nahl, 18)

We humans are the most inconsiderate and Thankless beings. We enjoy all His blessings and Yet many deny its From Allah.

انّ الانسَان لِربه لَكنُود

That truly the human/mankind is ungrateful/disobedient to his Lord.(Surah Adiyat:6)

And Allah asks:

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاء رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَان
And which of the favours of your Lord do you deny? (Surah Rahman)

Being the most fortunate people, Yes, Being Muslims, its our duty to thank Allah,worship Him Alone and be in the group of people He is satisfied with. But How to earn His satisfaction?

Prophet Muhammed(ص) said:
رِضَى الرب في رِضىَ الَوالد , وسُخط الرب في سُخط الوالد

Allah's satisfaction is in the Satisfaction of Parents and Allah's discontentment is in the discontentment of Parents.(Thirmidi)

Therefore, lets start from Today to get the satisfaction of our Lord by pleasing our parents, In sha Allah.

May Allah bless us and Include us in the people He is satisfied with. AAMEEN.

Jazakumullahu Khairِ


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