2. Spread the wings of Kindness

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Chapter 17 of the Quran, Surah Isra' verse Number 24, Allah says:

واخفِض لهما جَنَاح الذُّلِّ مِن الرّحمة

And lower for them the wings of humility, and kindness

Subhanallah! Just the way Allaah has revealed the Ayah would be enough to realize the beauty of Quran and Islam.

It would be enough to believe that it is indeed words of Allah!

Lower the wings of kindness is simply an amazing usage. To understand it in a better way, we can recall what we read in The Introduction about the Mother Hen and her mercy on her chicks. What she does when she sees an Eagle or any other harm coming to her chicks is, she spreads her wings and ushers them to get under them. Subhanallah, That feeling of protection and security under those wings would be beyond describable.

Similarly, Allaah commands us for lowering our wings, though literally said, there is a huge meaning inside it.

How old we may be, being beside our mother, lying on her lap or just sitting with her and having a hearty conversation, talking about our problems, and also being with our father, having the feeling that no matter what, he will be there beside us, holding us tight and not to fall in any traps, we have this sense of protection and happiness because of the wings of love and affection they have spread above us!

Alhamdullilaah...Don't we atleast feel peace at heart when we think about them midst of all chaos in our lives?

That's the the implication of the Ayah. We have to spread that wings of love, kindness, protection, strength and every feeling that a human crave for above them.

Parents can be unfair in decisions we have to make in our lives, but we shouldn't give them a chance to be the reason for being upset.

Show them they have your ears to hear their worries and problems.

Show them they have your hands to wipe away their tears and hold them tight.

Show them they have your shoulder to lean upon in times of weakness.

Show them they have every part of you in their hands and surely they will feel that wings of Kindness upon them.


Prophet Muhammen (ص) said that disrespecting parents is one of the major sins(taken from a Hadeeth reported by Bukhari & Muslim). But no matter what, if one or both of them commands us to Do Shirk or Associating partners with Allah, there is no need to obey them. But then Allah has still commanded us in Surah Luqman that we should behave good with them in this world.

There is an incident which explains the above paragraph.

Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqas(R) was one of the first of Sahabas who had accepted Islam. But due to the reason that he has believed in Muhammed (ص), his mother, Hamna Binth Abi Sufyan said:

"Haven't Allah commanded you to do Good to your mother?! Either I will die or You have to reject Islam, Until then I won't ear nor drink anything."

One or two days passed. Saad Ibn Abi Waqas forcefully fed her by opening his mothers mouth.

But when the Ayah was revealed to not to obey them in regard of Shirk, and His mother understood that her son won't come back from Islam, she made an end to her hunger strike. Sa'ad(R) being a person who loved his parents dearly, In this occasion, he said :

"Mother, even if you die a hundred deaths, I won't back away from my religion."(Thirmidhi, Ahmed, Muslim)

Allahu Akbar! Even though disobeying parents is a major sin, Allah will never ever want a person commit Shirk. May Allah always guide us in his Straight path. Aameen.


Muhammed(ص) has also seriously said about looking after parents during their old age.

عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : رغم أنف ثم رغم أنف ثم رغم أنف من أدرك أبويه عند الكبر أحدهما أو كليهما فلم يدخل الجنة  (رواه مسلم) 

Abu Hurairah (R)reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "May he be disgraced! May he be disgraced! May he be disgraced, whose parents, one or both, attain old age during his life time, and he does not enter Jannah (by rendering being dutiful to them)". 

The word ''Ragham'' means soil. When a person's nose is soiled, it is a mark of his extreme humiliation. This metaphor carries a curse for an unfortunate person who does not win the pleasure of Allah by serving and obeying his parents.

Service of parents is essential at every stage of their life - whether they are young or old. But this Hadith mentions their old age for the reason that in that period of their life they stand in greater need of care and service. It is a very callous offense to leave them at the mercy of circumstances when they are old, senile and depend on others for their needs. To neglect them at that stage is a major sin for which one deserves Hell-fire. But with being servile to them, We can attain Jannah.

In a narration it is reported that a person came to Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and sought his permission to participate in Jihad. The Prophet (PBUH) asked, "Are your parents alive?'' He replied in the affirmative. The Prophet a(PBUH) said, "(You should) consider their service as Jihad.'' 

Alhamdullilah... A way to Jannah is opened just by treating our parents right. Do we want to miss that? Absolutely no.

May Allaah help us to abide by His commands and Help us to be dutiful to our parents. AAMEEN



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*Lets Spread the Words of Allah*

May Allah reward us for our good deeds and gather us in his Jannah.. Aameen

Jazakallah Khair Again :)


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