1.Coat your words with love.

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In the previous chapter, we saw the importance of taking care of our parent from Surah Isra':23. And Allah, without just leaving as "Do good to your parents", He tells us how we have to do in the remaining of the Ayah.

1.   إمّا يَبلُغَنّ عندَك الكِبَر أحَدُهُما أو كِلاهُما فَلا تَقُل لّهُما أُفٍّ ولا تَنهَرهُما و قل لّهما قولاً كريماً

"As long as one or both of them live through old age with you, you shall never say to them, "Uff" (the slightest gesture of annoyance), nor shall you shout at them; and speak to them gracious words. 

Subhanallah, we have to note the word Allah has used. Just an "Uff" or in our speaking language whatever it maybe such as an "Ough" , "Sho", Allah says such a small word shall not be uttered towards our parents.

Now Let's just ponder upon what all sentences, coated with disinterest and displease, we say to our parents. Allah Says too that we should not shout at them. Just one question to understand what that mean.

How can we raise our voice on our parents who taught us to speak?

Yes, This is one of the most important topic especially we teenagers have to take care of. At this age, we might think what we do is right and no one can oppose what we do. But, in reality, most of the time its just opposite.

Talk to your Parents, Listen to them, take their opinions for whatever you do, You will definitely see blessings and prosperity  in that. Because their Dua will be there with us.

But if we are just ignoring their advises by listening through one ear and throwing it out by the other, turning blind eye towards theirs needs and wishes, firing back when they talk something to us, Then how do you think any good will come to our lives without earning their Duas?

Think..Just Think before its too late.

Then Allah has pointedly said " As long as one or both of them live through old age with you", but why has Allah said just old age? Does that mean we have take care of them only in old age?

No, its because variety of reasons.
Firstly, old age is considered as ones second childhood. They will need help from us even for the simplest chores. As parents took care of us in our childhood without any disgust and impatience, its our duty to give them back that kind of treatment in their old age.

Secondly, Parents may keep on saying "Do this" "Do that" and it will be more during their old age, but as followers of Quran, We have to see we don't utter a single "Uff" yet alone use harsh words.Be humble and soft towards them. Our words should be covered with respect and honour for them.

Thirdly, they will be suffering from short term memory. Sometimes their multiple questions about some things may irritate us. Wait, I will explain that through a story I read.

There was an old man, 84 years old and his son, a middle aged businessman. One day this man calls his son and says:
"Son, I miss you and I need to see you."

"Father, What? Don't you know? I'm working for day and night without any rest and the only time I get is at night. How can you ask me to come to you?"

"Okay, Sorry son,I'm sorry. Take care and don't let yourself strain to much. I'm praying for you always. I thought of seeing you because it has been a long. It's fine. You carry on."

"Ugh, Dad, Fine, I'm coming," Son replied irritated.

The old man's joy knew no bounds. The son came and they both went for a walk in the nearby park.

"What's that?" asked the old man pointing towards a sound he faintly heard.

"Hmm, its a crow" replied his son looking up from his phone.
They walked a little more in silence.

"Hey, whats that??" the old man asked again when something flew past him.

"Seriously Dad, is this a game? ITS A CROW" The son replied trying hard to suppress his anger.

But the old man sensing it, said:
"Sorry son, come lets go home."

Reaching home, The old man walked into his room and brought a worn out book. He opened a page with his trembling hands and held out to his son.

With a confused expression, he took the book and read.

12 Sep 1980
10:00 PM

Today is one of the most happiest days of my life. Ahmed turned 3 years old. Alhamdullilaah, May Allah fill his life with health and happiness. I took him out for a walk in the park. We were walking and while he licked his ice cream, He pointed to a tree nearby and asked,
"Baba, What's that?"
I pinched his cute nose and said " Its a crow dear."

He was happy and continued walking with me.
He jumped suddenly when a crow flew past him.
"Its a crow, sweetheart. " I smiled seeing how innocent he was while he asked.

We continued to walk, brought him balloons and a toy car. And while walking he has asked me "whats that" each time he saw a crow. I mentally counted it was 33 times. Alhamdullilah, Allah blessed me with such a sugar pie. So I replied him each 33 times kissing his cheeks.

The son was struck reading that similar incident he had today in the park. He was beyond regretful and without a second thought hugged his dad and asked forgiveness.

Understood the meaning of the story right?
Its not a simple story but has a lot of meaning in it.
No matter how many times the son asked, the father gave answer. But in the same situation, when dad asked, the son could only stand for two times before he lost his temper.

What we have to learn is from the attitude of the father. Let our parents ask the same questions endless times, never ever lose temper.

May Allah fill our Hearts with patience and help us to take care our parents with utmost love and affection. AAMEEN



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