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Islam has 5 pillars:
1.اشهد ان لا اله الاّ الله و اشهد انّ محمد رسول الله.
There is no God but Allah and Muhammed (ص) is the messenger of Allah.

2. الصلاة : Prayer

-Fasting in the month of Ramadhan

4.الزكاة: Charity

The Pilgrimage

Even though these 5 has its own importance and is solely done for Allah, Who do you think we have the next obligation towards?

Allah answers in Surah Isra:23

وقضي ربّك الاّ تعبدُو الاّ ايّاه و بالوالدين اِحْساناً

And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents.

Yes, that's the 2 things Allah has made compulsory upon us.
1.Oneness of Allah
2.Goodness towards Parents.

The importance of the duty of children towards their parents can be justified as it is mentioned just after saying To worship Allah alone, which is the essence of Islam.

A hadith by Ibn Masood(R) says:

قال: سُألت النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم اي العمل أحب الي الله؟ قال: الصَلاة علي وقتها؛ قُلت: ثم اي؟ قال : بر الوالدين؛ قلت: ثم اي؟ قال:الجهاد في سبيل الله. (متفق عليه)
I asked Prophet(ص) "Which of the deeds is the most loved by Allah?" He replied:"Prayer on its time" I asked:"Whats next?" He replied:"Goodness to Parents" I asked:"Whats next?" He replied:
"Jihad in the way of Allah"(Bukhari, Muslim)

This Hadith tells us that Prayer on its time is one of the most important duty of a believer. So when Goodness towards Parents is mentioned along with Prayer and Jihad, which is another meritorious duty, it gives further importance to this topic.

*They are the once who gave birth to us.

*They gave up everything in their lives for us, Their career, vacation, friends and most importantly Time.

*They gave up their dreams.. Because we became their dream.

*And it goes on and on......
So doesn't it become unfair if we won't be able to give back even 1% of what they give us?

May Allah make us among his followers who will worship Him alone till the end and Make us among those who treats their parents the way Allah wants. AAMEEN.



Note:Try reading Ayaths of the Quran given in Arabic, as Allah gives 10 rewards for each one word said . So why do we have to lose any chance that we can gain rewards. :)
Also read Hadiths in Arabic so as to get familiarisation of Arabic words for Non-Arabic speakers.

May Allah help us to earn more and more rewards and give more opportunities to learn about Islam. AAMEEN.  

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