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hey, everyone, guess whos back from the dead!! i decided to just work on my stories again (though, they will definitely take some time for me to get started again). now, im not into hetalia anymore and im not too into actually writing much anymore. but, i did enjoy actually working on these stories and, hopefully, ill be able to still enjoy them!!

well, a lot has changed since i last checked my wattpad, honestly. its only been since, what, january of last year? so, yeah!! a lot has changed!! but, hi, im back. i havent even LOOKED at wattpad since january, so im getting used to the format again and everything is pretty much just like it was for the computer version.

anyhooser, im kickin, im still here and im a-okay!! im sure you guys probably hate me or something for stopping mid-way into these just because i couldnt keep up with it (personal problems, im sure you understand) and i still might not be able to, but these stories have interesting concepts behind them, even though i was in middle school when i wrote them. im pretty much a junior in high school now.

i would expect the parts to be just a little bit longer than they had been previously. im planning on just sticking with the content i already have, honestly. just keeping the stories as side projects.

im not taking them as huge projects and might even forget about them on occasion and i apologize in advanced. but, thats that.

my writing style has changed a bit and ive gotten better with grammar and whatnot and, hopefully, my content will be a lot better and smoother for you guys. ANYWAY, thats enough of me rambling on about my godawful stories. ill update whenever i can and, golly, thank you guys so much for still giving me notifications and stuff (like 10+ a day i think?????? idk)

- Where-sMyWater

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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