Chapter One

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Alfred trotted down the street, he was about to meet his brother in a McDonalds restaurant. A small smile on his face, he strolled in.

His brother sat in a booth, per the usual, already with two Big Macs. Alfred slid into the booth, relaxing. "'Ey," He said with a smile. "So, you wanted to meet?"

His brother nodded. "Um, yeah, it's about the... Uh, incident."

"Th-the incident? O-oh... Um, well, I don't wanna talk a-about it here." Alfred replied. "Matthieu, you were there, anyway, what do you want to know?"

Matthieu shrugged. "Well, I want to know why." His purple-blue eyes grew a distant look in them, but flinched when his glasses slightly slid down his nose bridge; he pushed them back up, taking a small sigh. "Seriously, man, why?"

Alfred motioned his brother to quit it with his hand sharply moving across his neck. "Not here," He growled, looking around at the oblivious people.

"Fine, okay, fine," Matthieu said, putting his hands up in a slight defense. He passed the older one of the burgers, then grabbed himself the other.

Alfred nodded, unwrapping and eating his burger. "I still don't see why you need to know," He said, between bites and chews of his food. "Being in that position was a little difficult for me, and you know it."

A few glances were thrown their way with his wording. Matthieu shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I know it was quite the pickle," He muttered in reply, then motioned for his brother to stop talking with his mouth full. "But thinking about stuff like that..." He gave a shiver to emphasize his words. "Gives me the willies."

Alfred gave a slight scoff. "Oh, chill out," He took another bite. "I could've survived," He swallowed. "But, whatever, y'know."

Silence filled the air, besides the loud clatter in the background. They hurriedly finished off their food, then left. "We talk at your place, then." Matthieu ordered slightly, then went to his car.

Alfred went to his, and calmly drove home. "So, we're gonna talk," He said to himself, just before leaving his car, which was now parked in his driveway. "Okay, it'll be fine. He's your brother." He climbed out of the car, and went inside.

Roughly an hour passed when his brother showed his face. "Okay, so why?"

"Yo, chill," Alfred hissed, crossing his arms. "Just got home."

Matthieu gave him an even, nearly-unbreakable glare. "An hour ago, I would've been fine with it, but now, you're being ridiculous! Why won't you tell me? You said it yourself, I was there."

Alfred stiffened, tugging his shirt collar nervously. "Er, I can't exactly give you an explanation, but, um, I could tell you something." He said, a weak smile on his face.

"Okay," Matthieu sighed, turning away from the other. "You're nervous, under a lot of stress, I get that, but..." He sighed again, turning back. "Just give me the 'something'."

Alfred nodded, then motioned to the couch, moving by himself and sat down. "Well, um, you see, I just wanted to get over the whole... Insomnia act," He cleared his throat, feeling awkward with his sleeping aragments. "And decided I could do something."

Matthieu furrowed his brows. "Insomnia? How long has that been going on?"

"Er," He stiffened again, not able to calm himself. "I guess... A while, I dunno; anyway, he happened to be there at the time and I picked him up, took him home, and that's when you came in."

Matthieu gave a small gulp. "Insomnia... Really? You?"

Alfred felt a small pit of anger boiling inside of him. "Yes, I just told you that. Okay? I don't think it's chronic, or anything, it's just there; drop it."

He finally relaxed, Matthieu nodded, his muscles having a slight reaction to the retaliation. "O-okay. Did you know him?"

"No," Alfred grumbled. "Seriously, who the hell do you think you are? The police? NCIS; CSI? Seriously. You're my goddamn brother, man, plus, even if you were the cops, you'd be an accomplice."

Matthieu nodded. "Um, not the cops, but I pretty gosh darn good know what I am to this whole fiasco. Don't think I'll send you to the police, eh, because I know what I am." His eyes showed flares of anger, a rare occasion for him to lash out though.

Alfred was caught off guard, jumping back in fright. "O-okay, man, okay. I got it."

Matthieu shook his head, obviously trying to calm down. "Did you know who the guy was?"

The older shrugged, then shook his head. "Nope." The Canadian sighed, placed his forehead to the palm of his hand and slouched over.

"Okay," Matthieu started, sitting upright. "You killed a man with the help of me. How many have you killed?"

Alfred shrugged. "I dunno. About three."

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