Chapter Seven

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Alfred felt stunned and hurt by the crippling voice in his head. "As long as you do our bidding," The harsh voice continued, getting a "your bidding" in correction. The harsh one 'cleared its throat' and continued. "My bidding, then you'll be fine."

The voices sounded like they were sweeping around his head, paining him to hear and listen. But they wouldn't go away.

He was shaken, scared to the core. It wasn't him that murdered those people, but rather the voices in his head. One of them, atleast. Like an abusive, drunken father beating his kids, and the kind, but unforgiving mother that follows behind.

He walked over to the couch, hoping that daytime would come soon. He turned on the television anyway, trying to rid of the voices.

It didn't work, in fact, it made it worse. They spoke over the television. "Don't be so rude," The harsh mocked the softer voice. "It's impolite."

The softer made a huff, and before he knew it, the two started arguing. He groaned, feeling impatient with the voices inside his head. "Guys," He complained. "Stop."

Faint memories happened to come back to him from when he and his brother were younger. He knew his parents loved each other, but they argued horribly. They had fought too often, but made up afterwards.

He shook his head; his throat closed a little in pure sorrow, his eyes already burning without the tears.

"Oh, don't tell me," The harsh voice grumbled. "You're gonna cry."

Alfred rubbed his eyes, looking at the television. "No."

The news started to blare its daily intro. "'The murderer is still on the loose.' says police," The news reporter said, her unnerving eyes not moving away from the screen. Her brown skin seemed illuminated by the light on the set, but her eyes seemed dull and dead. She cleared her throat, and blinked a few times, as if trying to wake up. "However, there have been no murders reported that we currently know of."

He blinked, pain gripping in his chest and head.

"The police warned to remain inside at all times, not knowing where the murderer is." It gave a few city names to show where the murderer could've ran off to, or where he was housed. One of them was his city.

He didn't know what to do. There was the chance that was screaming "You did it. You killed all those people. You know you're guilty." and the other chance that had a smaller voice saying "It might not be you."

He didn't know what to think anymore. Confusion mixed and drained every other emotion, especially the sorrow. He sighed, cupping his face with his hands.

I can't take it anymore. He thought, frowning heavily. Jesus, what did I get myself into?

The harsh voice snickered, it's raspy laugh was obnoxious to the bone. "I don't think you should be worrin' 'bout Jesus, but rather your family."

He felt the tears brim up to his eyes, he tried swallowing the thick lump of pure sorrow in his throat. He couldn't speak, and let his mind take over his mouth. Don't talk about them.

The harsh voice snickered again. "Why? Scared Mommy's gonna beat ya?"

He clenched his fists, his nails almost breaking the skin of his palm. You peice of--

A sound at his door interrupted his thoughts. A simple knock would've sufficed, but it was a cacophony of knocks and whispers and loud noises, his doorbell went off twice.

He stood from the couch, opening the door. Matthieu's boyfriend, Alfred's closest thing to a brother at the moment, and two of his brothers stood at the door. The albino man straightened his collar, obviously nervous and unprepared.

Alfred almost broke down right there, he managed to stay standing, only clenching his fists and trembling with sadness. He still couldn't speak.

"I-I'm sorry," The albino started, his purple-red eyes glanced over to the thickly-built blond and scrawny brunette. All different in size, color, and personality; it was amazing that they were relatives. "For everything."

Alfred shook his head. "W-..." He paused, trying to make sure he didn't sound like a big crybaby. "Why are you sorry?"

"Well, you've known h-him longer..." The scrawnier man said, looking at Alfred with a look that a puppy would get if it were kicked too many times. "I-I mean, well..."

"I know." Alfred shook his head a little. "Everything just got so... Misplaced."

The blond snorted a bit, but looked a bit apologetic. He turned his back from the others; his hard blue eyes seeming distracted, worried almost.

The white-haired male drew a sharp breath, glaring at his younger brother.

"Do y-you guys want to come in?" Alfred invited, hoping it'd distact him from the voices in his head.

The albino nodded, turning back towards the American. "Alright, we can stay a bit."

The blond stood up straight and gestured towards all his brothers, they sort of huddled together, but Alfred blinked a few times, going back inside. He still stood at the door, hoping to be out of sight from the three Germanic men, who could probably kick his ass if his said something wrong.

The three came in after a small chat.

"I couldn't just sit at home, watching my brother sulk and die in a corner," The blond said, quite matter-of-fact, but in a whispered voice. "It was crushing me, so I wanted to bring him to pay respects for the family, and whatnot."

Alfred wondered why they brought along the Austrian, but shrugged it off as him not wanting to stay home, or maybe to pay respects as well. "Alright." Alfred managed to reply.

His eyes went from the other males to the corner. A faint flicker arose from the corner, but shrugged it off as him needing sleep. He looked at a clock. "Guys, it's almost three," He said, turning to them. "What are you doing here?"

The brunette cleared his throat, running his fingers through his hair. "Well, Gilbert wouldn't shut up."

Alfred felt bad for the albino, but could relate to his brothers. He felt guilty, even.

"Shut up Roderich." Gilbert hissed, his red-purple eyes angry slits.

Alfred stopped for a moment, blinking his eyes. "I'm s-sorry..." He said, moving over to the couch and closing his eyes. "I j-just have to sit..."

"Ludwig," Roderich started, his voice falling to a whisper. Ludwig seemed interested and whispered back.

Alfred just couldn't take a break.


Ugh, late and long. This was much needed. Sorry about it being late, I grew a little bored and didn't know what to write. Plus I was doing something else with my online friends (I haven't seen them in forever, so please don't get mad).

I'm still planning put what will happen next, but what do you think will happen?

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