Chapter Two

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I'm in a hospital at the current moment, where's a better place that that to write a story like this? Also, gore.

Mathieu stood up. "Three people?" The look of surprise coated his face.

Alfred nodded, but didn't say anything, his blue-gray eyes blinked blankly. A complete mood shift.

"Answer me."

Alfred nodded again, the blank look disappeared. "Yeah, three people sounds about right."

The Canadian scoffed at his American brother. "'Three people sounds about right'? W-what is wrong with you?"

The older shrugged. "I dunno, I'm still blaming the insomnia," He sighed, placing a hand on his stomach. "But could be anything."

An edgy look creeped onto Matthieu's face, he turned from his brother, shaking his head as he walked out the door.

"Where the hell are you running off to?" Alfred asked, chasing him only to the threshold.

"Somewhere else," Matthieu yelled from his car before climbing in. "Just not here."

Alfred shook his head, closing the door as Matthieu ran off.

He went towards the couch, flicking on the television, and watched Tom and Jerry until he fell asleep.

He woke up in about two hours, feeling tired but unable to fall back asleep. He stood up, grumbling angrily to himself, then walked outside. It was about six in the afternoon, but the sun was already, practically down with the moon rising overhead. The American climbed into his car, smiling as he started it, then went downtown.

He messied his hair, making a bit of a shady smirk. A few women stood at the end of the sidewalk, wearing skimpy clothes and smoking atleast two cigarettes each.

"I really got to do this, eh?" Alfred asked himself, but drove up to the curb anyway. His eyes had a shadow cast over them, almost making them seem like they're glowing.

"Oh, hello, sir," One of the women bent over, her blonde hair falling into the car. "Wanna pay up for one of us gals?"

"Sure, Blondie," He nodded, pointing to the backseat. "I'll take you home with me."

The scrawny blonde nodded, climbing into the back. "So, before you pay, where are we goin'?"

"My place," Alfred huffed, driving back home. This time, hopefully, no-one would disturb his work.

Silence fell over on the two, until they reached his home. "This is it?" She asked, her wrist was grabbed and then she tripped inside.

"We're heading downstairs," He looked at her, the smirk grew though he felt guilty on the inside. "Then the fun starts." With that, he took her down into the basement and lay her on the singular bed inside the dim room.

"Oh, alright, I'll be right back," He told her, sneaking into the darkness. He grabbed a hold of his 'tools', as he liked to call them, and waited.

"You still back there?" She stood from the bed, just as he wanted, and walked towards the back of the room.

A small knife inhand, Alfred said nothing, but stared as she came closer. He jutted his knife foreward, straight into the ribcage of the unsuspecting victim. She gasped with pain as dark, almost black crimson coated the floor.

Alfred flicked on the light in the corner, he wanted to give his victim a nice look at him. He crouched, then sliced her cheek. She gasped harder, almost choking on air and blood. "Such a pretty little waste," Alfred grumbled, watching as the glossy, distant look of death crawled onto her eyes.

He grabbed her by the hair, roughly making her look at him. Pain encoated her face, death deep in her eyes as she took on last choke of air and fell limp.

"Now, to add her to the collection," He smirked, throwing the limp body onto the bed with little to no effort. "Let's play with her."

He went back to the corner, grabbing the entire 'tool kit'. He walked over to the bed where the once-living woman lay. He brought out the knife, putting a few incisions in her stomach and between her breasts.

He took a few of her insides, mainly muscle rather than actual organs, then brought the muscle to a bucket.

Throwing the body aside when he finished with the bucket, he went upstairs and washed up. "Next thing to do, burn the bloody clothes."

**Sorry it's short! Again, I am in a hospital bed, recovering from my first surgery - I had acute appendicitis, without fracture.

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