Jake & Daniel

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I quickly fixed Daniel up, wiped his sweat and mine and brushed his hair. I quickly grabbed his hand, curling his fingers between mine. We just have to act like nothing happened. They should never know what's wrong with us, especially that Kean. All he wants is to get Daniel away from me. But I won't let him do it. I won't let his take Daniel from me so easily. If I have to give up something just to keep Dan to me, I will do it.

We walked along through the corridors and met some of our friends. I hope they won’t easily spot that Dan and I had an argument. His hand started to feel cold. I hold on to the other on and clasped them together. I breathe out to our hands to keep them warm.  “Feeling better now?”

He nodded shyly and looked away from me. His body is still shaking. He’s really shivering right now. “Come here, I’ll warm you up.” I let his body cradle on to mine.  Somehow, a sense of relief filled his entire body. His body settled down once it find it place with me.

“Dan no matter what happens, I will love you. I’m going to protect you.” I whispered on his ear. He didn’t make any movement. For a second, I thought to myself what just happened. All the things I did earlier were not supposed to happen.

We both stayed there, standing amidst the crowd not letting Daniel fall apart. It will be hard for me again to bring him back to pieces because he won’t let me do it. He always thought that if he could break apart without my knowledge, it will satisfy his own feelings, but I won’t let him do so easily. Mainly the reason is because, I’ve hurt him a lot of times already and I should be the one breaking down, not him.

Is this just me being selfish to him or keeping our relationship stronger? All I ever wanted was for us to be happy together, stay in each other’s arms like it was just yesterday.

Still, I can’t help but think that Daniel is keeping his distance as far as he could. I always notice that whenever I leave him alone, just trying to observe him. His body becomes a motionless figure, just sitting there waiting for someone to move him or make him. He didn’t even bother looking for me instead, stared at his phone waiting for something to appear.

Am I really holding him too tight? Losing my grip from him only makes me feel worse but never thought what could be his reaction to that. I never took that risk before. If ever I was the one who will give up on him, then he’d let himself be broken forever.

No, I’m not doing that to him. I never did squeeze him for my own. There is no way I can be such a selfless boyfriend for Daniel.

He might be able to conceal that feelings of his deep inside, I can still see it within him.  Even if someone flips his character upside down, I can figure him out in no time at all. I just know him all too well, or maybe that’s where my fault is.

“J- Ja- Jakkkee.. P- P- Please... Yo –You c-can l- l- let g- go n- n- n-ow...” He glanced up into my eyes directly, pitifully. The way he speaks right now, he’s hesitating to let them out of his mouth. Is he really this scared of me now? Did I make him feel that way towards me?

“J- Jake, please…” I just can’t let him. If I do, then that just means he’ll let himself fall apart again. Jake you screwed him. You failed to protect the one person you should be protecting. Now, he’ll crumbling down because of you own doing. “NO WAY!!”

Hearing me yell again stunned his body. His head jolted back, hitting my chest. His eyes grew big and slowly becoming watery and a few run over his pale cheeks. How can I ever make him feel so horrible?

I lowered my head down on his shoulder, sobbing. “Dan, I love youI I’m sorry. I’m such a jerk, hurting you too much.”

Throughout the entire time, we were just standing in the middle of the corridor, locked in embrace. He froze at the moment I yelled at him. Neither a single gasp escaped from his mouth or a blink from his eyes. He was still, paralyzed.

I loosened my arms around him and walked him gently back at the theatre. At the doorway, Jeff and Zoey were waiting for us. Zoey’s still crying, burying her face on his boyfriend’s chest. I can’t look at her directly. A tap on my shoulder from Jeff eased me, letting me know that everything’s going to be fine.

 I moved Daniel to my side and let him cling on my arm. He is still shuddering, scared at me. Comforting him right now is the only way I can do, everything else will be pointless.

Every person we passed stared at us. I covered Daniel all the way down. But a hand grasped on my shoulder, tuning me around. It can’t be her. Theirs is no way she’s going to ruin everything. “Hello Jakey. Remember me boy?”

“Kim.” Daniel didn’t seem to notice it but his hands were tight on my arms. “So, are you and your boyfriend alright there? Maybe we can do some fun later. Just ditch him will you.”

“Bitch, you better turn around before I can do….”

“Before what Jakey? Oh, don’t be mad. I know you want it too.”

Her finger runs on my face, then to my back. Daniel’s breathing becomes unsteady, getting heavier and heavier.

“Now now boy, I know you want it...” Her finger finally stopped on my mouth, not allowing me to say a word. To my surprise, she quickly pressed her lips against mine, brushing it like it’s hers. I let go of Daniel and pushed away this filthy woman. She landed on the floor and yelped.

Turning around quickly to Daniel, he simply stared blankly at the worthless slut. I knelt down to him, shaking his whole body. “Daniel, Daniel! It’s not what it is. She forced me.”

He shook his head, mouth opened and eyes grew in doubt. “No, it can’t be.” He stood up and ran away.

“Damn you Jake! I will never ever forgive you! Damn You!!” Kim cried out loud inside. Daniel is more important than her. I don’t care if she kills herself or what. I need to get Daniel before he does something reckless. Knowing him, he’ll possibly hurt himself again.

At the entrance, Jeff stopped me by grabbing my hand. “Jeff, let go. I need to get Daniel before it’s too late.”

“At least let me help you. Zoey is on her way to Dan now.” We both ran outside the theatre and looked for both of them. Jeff spotted Zoey at the car park quickly. Immediately, I went off to see if Zoey was able to persuade Dan.

“Jake, I’m sorry but I wasn’t able to do it. He quickly went into his car and drove away. You need to stop him. He’s not in his mind right now.”

Without any single hesitation, I climbed into my car and followed Daniel. He’s way too reckless now. Driving in his condition will be no good at all.

I quickly sighted his car speeding on the motorway. I glanced at my speedometer to check how fast he could be running. 50mph…. 60….. 70…. 80….. 90….. 100…. Daniel! He’s just speeding up. This is getting dangerous for him and his headlights are not on!

I managed to catch up with him, following him on his tail. I sounded my horn, only to be ignored and continued speeding. Flashing him my headlights will just make matters worse and calling him on his phone will be worst. Daniel, stop now!

The roads are luckily open for the both of us. I moved alongside his car, trying to intimidate him. I opened my window, hoping he can hear my voice, telling him to stop. It just all went into wasted efforts. There is no way I can stop him like this. He’s left ne no choice; I have to move to his front.

Moving to his front only made him pretty much annoyed. Looking at my rear view mirror, he swerves his car side to side all the time. I lowered my speed down, thinking that he might follow, but he did the opposite. He hit the end of my car and shoves me slightly.

What to do? What to do? Damn it! Think quickly before something bad happens! He’s too much of a reckless kid now! Daniel, you better stop now!

Without much of thinking I pressed hard on my breaks. Seconds later, a big crash landed at the back of my car. Damn it! It couldn’t be Daniel! Please don’t.

I climbed out of my car and ran to check on the wreck. Oh no! This isn’t happening.


The last things I saw: a red light in front of me suddenly disappeared. My body leaned forward before banging it back to my seat, seat belt tightening, my bead bumping hard on the steering wheel.

Vision slowly fades. I guess this is it.


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