chapter 18 - Hell's Angel

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From 11.09 "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", in the Bunker's library, Sam, Dean and Catty were sitting at one of the tables, arguing. Ness was standing nearby.

"You know, Lucifer was the biggest monster ever hatched," Sam told them.

From 10.23 "Lover's Keeper", outside the restaurant, Columns of black smoke erupted from the spots where the lightning had struck. They converged in one spot into a huge rolling cloud of black smoke, soaring toward Ness, Dean and Sabrina.

Sam: (voice over from 11.09 O Brother, Where Art Thou?) "Until we hatched one that's even worse."

From 11.09 "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", in the clearing, Dean and Ness were standing next to Aiden, in his stroller.

Amara/The Darkness was pacing around them. "I was the beginning, and I will be the end. I will be all that there is."

From 11.09 "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", in the park, Amara/The Darkness raised both her arms toward the sky, using magic to compel lightning bolts to strike down members of the crowd one by one.

Ness: (voice over from 11.09 O Brother, Where Art Thou?) "You're taking people's lives."

From 11.09 "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", in the desert, Sabrina and Amara/The Darkness were standing in the middle of the desert. Sabrina closed her eyes, tilting her head back toward the sky, raising her arms on either side of her in concentration. The clouds darkened and swirled around. A forceful wind was blowing around them. Lightning was flashing. Sabrina was emanating with blindingly bright white light that swirled around her with the wind. The light that surrounded her, her own power, was being channeled into the sky above her.

Sabrina: (voice over from 11.09 O Brother, Where Art Thou?) "I'm channeling every ounce of my power out of me into the sky above us so that I can hit you with everything I've got."

The wind was chaotic around them, like a wind storm, blowing the dust and the dirt around them. The dust and dirt surrounded them completely, as if it was a cocoon. The power in the sky above them was blazing brightly. Amara/The Darkness looked worried. Sabrina let go of the power. The power enveloped Sabrina and Amara/The Darkness completely, exploding all around them.

From 11.10 "The Devil in the Details" in the desert, it was dark, as if it was nighttime, but it was still day. Sabrina was starting to wake up. She was in pain, starting to sit up. She stood defensively, struggling to stay standing.

Sabrina: (voice over from 11.12 Don't You Forget About Me) "If I'm still healing after what happened..."

From 11.10 "The Devil in the Details", in the desert, the Darkness was almost in full form, inhaling the rest of the black smoke into herself. She was weak and unsteady, weaker than Sabrina was. 

Sabrina: (voice over from 11.12 Don't You Forget About Me) "I'm sure she is, too."

From 11.10 "The Devil in the Details", in Hell's Limbo, in the cell, Octavia glared up at Lucifer in hate. "Yes."

From 11.10 "The Devil in the Details", in Hell's throne room, Rowena was wearing the Witch-catcher around her neck. She was performing the spell to send Lucifer back to his Cage, clapping her hands.

From 11.10 "The Devil in the Details", in Hell's Limbo, in the cell, there was a blinding flash of light as Lucifer took control.

From 11.10 "The Devil in the Details", in Hell's throne room, Crowley was sitting in his throne. Rowena was standing behind him. Octavia/Lucifer was standing by the door, smirking.

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