Civil War

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We dressed the boys ready to go to the cinema. Buzz wore a Captain America shirt and some dark blue jeans, Xander wore an Iron Man shirt with beige chinos. Me and Lucas had bought the special shirts for the movie that said 'Captain America: Civil War' on them.

We met Riley, Farkle and Emilia at the cinema. Malcom was with Topanga and Cory. We had basically dragged them here. None of them were big superhero fans at all, but they liked us all spending time together, so they joined us.


Once the movie started, the 'Friars' all sat, watching intently, on the edge of our seats throughout the whole movie. Once or twice I looked over and saw Farkle and Riley having a little make-out session, but me and Maya didn't. not because we didn't want to, but if we did we would miss the movie.


After the movie had finished, we all walked out of the cinema and were mostly speechless. It was amazing. Me and Maya talked about how intense it was at times and we talked to the boys about it too.

"I'm hungry, who wants McDonalds?" Riley asked. We all got excited and the boys and Emilia ran to McDonalds. Maya said she was tired so I gave her a piggy back. Once we got in I called the boys over and asked them what they wanted. They went and sat down with Emilia and Riley, me and Farkle were going to order and Maya came too because she was still on my back.

"hello," I smiled to the lady behind the counter.

"hi can I take your order?" she asked with a smile.

"I would like a cheeseburger happy meal with sprite and a chicken nugget happy meal with a chocolate milkshake please." I told her.

"anything else?" she asked and I nodded.

"um, I would like a Chicken Legend and fries with a Fanta and what do you want pancake?" I asked Maya, turning my head up to see her.

"can I please have 9 chicken nuggets with fries and a Fanta" she told the lady.

"is that it?" the lady asked.

"can I have a McFlurry?" Maya whispered to me.

"sure you can City Gurl." I told her.

"um can I also have a crème egg McFlurry please" Maya told the lady.

"that's all thanks" I added, and we paid and got our food and took it to the table. Maya sat down next to Riley, and I sat with Farkle.


I was chatting to Riley about when we should probably go food shopping and stuff, when suddenly I notice Lucas leave the table. He must have gone to the bathroom.

I continue my chat with Riley and then I get a text,


Men's bathroom 2 minutes.

I thought it was slightly odd, but considering we didn't have a make-out session during the movie, I felt like I knew what was coming.

I told Riley that I was going to the bathroom, and to watch the kids.


"huckleberry" I hear whispered from outside my stall. I open the stall door and see Maya stood there.

"how you doin'?" I asked her, smirking and imitating Joey from Friends.

"oh shut up" she said as she came closer to me and playfully hit my arm.

I grabbed her round the waist, closing the gap between us and whispered in her ear, "make me"

Instantly we were in a hot make-out session, tongues everywhere and our bodies as close as possible without being naked. I pulled away for air and then made my way down Maya's neck, giving her small kisses softly, I then found the sweet spot, she whimpered slightly at my lips in the crook just above her collarbone. I stopped there, giving her more kisses in that same spot, and then licking and sucking at it, so much so that I'm pretty sure she'll have a hickey by tomorrow.


Me and Farkle knew exactly what Maya and Lucas were up to. I could see right through them.

Lucas then emerged from round the corner, lips slightly swollen, and panting a bit. A minute later, Maya came from the same place, in the same form.

"well, I wonder what you've been up to," I said to Maya, she knew that I knew.

"shut up Riles." She said and laughed.



We got home and played a few games with Buzz and Xander. Maya then taught them how to play instruments a bit better, and then she started cooking dinner whilst me and the boys watched the football game.

"Lucaaaaasssss" Maya called from the kitchen

"yea babe?" I said. And instantly regretted calling her babe, what the hell? Maya Hart is not the kind of girl you call babe. You call her beautiful, you call her princess.

"your Mum and Alyssa are back from Cowboy Town" she said to me. Cowboy Town meant Texas, that was what Maya called it anyway. My Mum and Alyssa had been there since just a few days after we brought Xander and Buzz home, so they hadn't met them yet.

"yay let's invite them over tomorrow" I told her.

"okayyyyy" she replied.


I walked into our bedroom after putting Buzz to sleep. I saw Maya come out of the bathroom, check her phone, and then suddenly she threw her phone down on the bed and covered her mouth up with her hands.

"what?" I asked her, worried, "Maya, what? What's happened Maya?"

She didn't reply, instead she stood still. So I grabbed her phone and turned it on. There was a message.


Maya I made a huge mistake, I'm so sorry.

In that moment I wanted to flip out and scream. But I couldn't. Maya was upset and confused and I needed to comfort her now.

I walked over to her and saw her watering eyes. "Maya, it's going to be okay. Don't worry." I told her, and I guided her to bed and she lay on top of me. Just like every night. And I rubbed her lower back with my thumb, and she snuggled just under my collarbone. And I comforted her until she fell asleep, and then I did.

AUTHORS NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

this chapter is kinda fluffy but whatevsss

damn my best friend's boyfriend is horrible to her and calls her a bitch all the time and i want to stab him. in other news, when people found out that me and my boyfriend broke up, 19 boys texted me asking if i was okay, followed by if i wanted to get with them. XD what even is my life.

hope ya enjoyed, <3

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