Get it wrong, gotta be strong

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"okay how do you wanna start?" i asked maya. she looked good tonight, different, but it was good. before she came to mine she had showered so her hair was slightly damp and she had it up in a messy bun. she was wearing sweats, an old band shirt and a hoodie. i quite liked it that she didnt care what she looked like around me, riley always had to look 'perfect' whenever she saw me, but maya, she was just herself.

"look huckleberry, i dont even know what trust is. my life motto is 'trust no bitch', i've never been trusted by anyone and i dont trust anyone. the only person who i've ever trusted in my life was... zay. and that didnt work out now did it?" she said, she looked upset. 

"okay well i can teach you what trust is maya, i trust you."

"shut up, moral compass you trust everyone." she replied laughing

"maybe, but i do trust you so im going to fall into your arms backwards and you're going to catch me. okay?" and i wasnt lying, i did trust maya.

"okay" she replied nervously as she stood up behind me, ready to catch me.

i fell backwards into her arms and stood up again and turned to her. "see, i trust you, now you fall into my arms." 

"cowboy i dont know, are you sure, what if you dont catch m-" i cut her off by saying "you just have to trust me maya okay, just do it"

she fell back into my arms and once she realised that i had caught her she turned and looked at me. she then stood up and just embraced me in a massive hug. 

"whats this for maya?" 

"thank you" 

"for what?" i was slightly confuzed

"for everything, for being my first real friend here, for not doubting me when everyone else did, and for trusting me. nobody cares enough to do that." 

i hugged her back real tightly then picked her up bridal style and dropped her on the couch. 

"hey!" she yelled at me then playfully punched me and we burst out in laughter.

~~~~after a while~~~~~~


"Done" i said, dropping my pen on lucas' coffee table. After three hours, the trust project thing was finished.

"Done" Lucas agreed, closing his laptop.

"want some brownies" he asked

"BROWNIES? YOU NEVER TOLD ME THERE WAS BROWNIES OF COURSE I WANT BROWNIES YAY." i screamed at him an followed him to the kitchen where he got out the brownies. 

"there my mama's recipe from texas" he said, giving me one

"aww you are such a cowboy, you call your mum mama, thats so cute" i  replied to him laughing. 

"shut up" he replied laughing

"these are AMAZING!" i said. they were the best brownies ive ever eaten. ever.

"i know right" lucas replied

he then grabbed the last one and ran away shouting "if you want you're gonna have to catch me first!"

so i chased him round his house and up the stairs. when i was running back down the stairs i accidentally tripped. omg thats so embarrassing! lucas saw me and started laughing his head of 

"shut it bucky mc boing boing" i called to him. he didnt stop laughing

"oi im not joking huckleberry it really hurts." i grabbed my ankle so he could see i had hurt my ankle. "come help meeeeee" i pleaded him

he came over concerned and held out his hand for me to grab it.  i grabbed it and dragged him down with me. i started laughing histerically.

"hey i thought you hurt your ankle!" lucas said as i stood up

"nah i just fell so ya know, get it wrong, gotta be strong!" i grabbed the last brownie from his hand as he lay on the floor shocked "ill take that, thank you." and i took a victory bite. 

"your mama's recipe is the best" i say as lucas gets up and we walk back to the couch. 

as if on cue, lucas' mama and little sister come through the door.

"hi lukie" his little sister says 

"hi lucas" his mama says

"hey mama, hey alyssa" lucas says to his mama and sister and gives his sister a hug.

"oh, mama, alyssa, this is maya, we've just been working on a project together." he says, gesturing to me.

"hello mrs. friar" i say, slightly awkwardly. 

"oh please sweetie, call me maria" she says to me, she seems really nice. i nod and smile at her.

"well, i better be going" i say to lucas and his family.

"oh dont be silly sweetie, stay for dinner" maria says back to me.

"are you sure? i would love to"

"of course" maria says.

"hello." i hear from below me.

"hi" i say to lucas' little sister.

"im alyssa. are you my brothers girlfriend?" she asks me, getting a playful slap from lucas

"no alyssa, im not." i say to her with a laugh. 

she gestures for me to get closer to her so i do. "yea, dont blame ya, hes a bit weird isnt he." she whispers in my ear, but loud enough for lucas to hear. "yea and hes a bit smelly" i whisper to her looking at lucas. "yea" she replies giggling" 

we both turn and look at lucas and he looks at us. "im going to get you!" he says laughing. so i grab alyssa and she jumps on my back and we run away from lucas.

"quick, hes getting closer!" alyssa screams in between laughs. we run into alyssas room and she jumps of my back. we hear lucas bashing on the door and doing in his monster voice "open the door or ill eat you" 

"never!" me and alyssa scream back at him. alyssa then grabs the water guns from under her bed and i open the door. water gun in hand, we walk out. im slightly in front of alyssa and as we go round the corner lucas grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. "ahh lucas put me down!" i scream at him laughing. alyssa then squirts him with water and he gives in. "fine...okay! im putting her down! alyssa... stop!" we all laugh our heads off and lucas puts me down. 

alyssa runs back into her room in fear that lucas will come and tickle him but this time its me he starts to tickle. i layed on the couch and he comes over and grabs my sides and tickles me to death [metaphorically].

 "stop lucas! stop!" i shout at him in between laughs

he imediatley stops. i stand up and he just stares at me.

 "you, you called me lucas"

"of course lucas, ive always known your name" i said with a smile

he just stands there staring at me and slowly starts to lean in

"DINNER" we hear maria screamed from downstairs so we run down the stairs towards the kitchen.

did me and lucas just have a moment?

AUTHORS NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

omg really long chapter soz. :/ idk if u guys like or hate long chapters? anyway thx for reading <3 plz check out my other book 'its inevitable' its a jessexbeca fanfic [pitch perfect] hope u liked the chapter <3

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