2.A) Be Polite.

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You grasped his hand in yours and firmly shook it. "(Y/N)."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). Well, we should hurry and get to business before your little friend joins us," he winked.


"Why, yes. We have quite a bit to talk about." He quickly glanced out the window before looking back at you. "Kage seems to be a bit busy right now so he may not be able to visit you for a while. So, he has hired me to look after you. He said you were quite the clumsy one," Dr.Smiley laughed again. "I guess you could call me and him friends."

"What do you mean he hired you to look after me?"

"It's just as it sounds, sweetheart. Normally, he watches after you himself to make sure you're alright- but he is just too busy this week." For a second, you felt kind of flattered, but then realization hit you. Before the phone call the other day, you had forgotten about him entirely but him, on the other hand, had not. It was almost as if that call was a little reminder to you.


"What ever do you mean?" You began getting a bit irritated.

"I mean- why is he watching over me so much? Why is he so interested?"

"I wonder?" Dr.Smiley gazed out the window once more.

"I don't give you my permission." He looked away from the window and back at you.


"I don't give you my permission to watch over me."

"Oh dear, I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice. Plus, poor little Kagekao wouldn't stop 'pranking' me for months if something happened to you while I was suppose to be on watch. I can't exactly defy his order."

"Just- why do you even have to watch over me? I'm pretty sure I can stay alive for a week."

"He doesn't think so." Dr.Smiley laughed. "He says you are far too clumsy and you practically ask for danger."

"I do not!"

"Oh, but that scar on your palm begs to differ."

"That had happened to be Kagekao's fault, just so you know! If he hadn't been where he shouldn't been, I wouldn't have gotten it!"

"Now now, don't blame your clumsiness on others," he laughed at you. "I'm sorry to cut this little chat short but I must be heading out now. Have a nice day, (Y/N)." He got up and walked out. Within a few minutes, Hunter ame walking in.

"What's up, are you alright? You look fuming." Hunter had his hair brushed off to the side per usual, though it made him look awfully cute to you.

"I had one hell of a customer just now."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Bad!" You glared at him. "Worst part is, I believe I'm going to be seeing more of him soon."

"Aren't you suppose to be on break already?"

"Well, yes, but I am still wearing my uniform."

"Oh, (Y/N)! You're just so cute!" You felt the heat rising to your face. You loved being called cute by him.

"Stop it!" He laughed and soon a waitress came over to grab you two your drinks. When your break was over, you hurried back to work. The sooner you finished, the sooner you would be able to get home.


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