13.B) Defend Charles.

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"Are you sure you're attending school?" Chiming in, Wiley's immediately began to get flustered.

"Of course I go to school!" He insisted, though there was no denying his faltering grades. "You guys are such assholes!"

"Maybe your limited vocabulary is why you don't cant comprehend the fact that there are beings smarter than you," Charles simplistically said. Wiley looked as if he was going to add something, but decided that it'd be best to cut his loses; Therefore, he cowered back and stomped away to his room. As his heavy footsteps furthered, you couldn't help but wonder if you chose wrong. He was your brother after all- then again, you wouldn't want him building a nonsensical ego. "He really needs to grow up, I can feel his teen angst projecting the moment he steps into a room."

"He's 15, I'm pretty sure that's normal."

"Yeah, for normies."

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Charles scoffed in reply to your question. Puzzled, you decided it'd just be best to ignore him and his reddit-bound self. You proceeded to gather the unfinished snacks and headed to the kitchen in order to reuse them for another day. Stepping off of the carpet, chills overcame you with the cold tiling; It was getting colder now that winter was quickly approaching yet Charles seemed to constantly lower the air when you weren't looking. When you got back to the living room, you noticed Charles bundled under a thick cover, watching an unbeknownst movie.

"You got a call- it was from Ruben though so I hung up."


Two hours had passed after the debut of the only show all three of you actually enjoyed, and although you didn't know how to pass time until the next week, you knew a shower was overdue for the day. Walking back down the hallway with your now wet hair, you noticed the only light left on was Charles'- he never seemed to sleep, but what could he even be doing? Did he even have any friends? You know he was in cahoots with a few guys, but what about besides that? Was he only a sex-driven man-whore who spent his entire life on a computer? How does he even get money?

"Is it not a bit late for a shower?" Your eyes hurriedly traveled up to meet the pits of the man who'd you identified as your stalker. You knew there were options laid out. A) Run. or B) Stay. However, you were aware of the consequences associated with each- hence you knew that the latter would be the best choice.

Closing the door quietly, you attempted to calm your nerves. He probably won't stay here for long. He never does, you hoped. "Is there a problem?" You attempted to confidently question, though you knew your voice squeaked.

"の." It registered to you just then that he was taking joy out of making you feel dumb through a language you didn't know. "It is kind of obvious of all the attention you have been giving all these people lately, though; Kind of questionable if you ask me." He looked down, playing with a claw sticking out through his gloved hand. "Do you not think about the redundancy with that or are you just stupid?"

"How is that redundant at all?" You made sure to stay close to the door in the instance of his presence becoming any more heavy as his head lifted, gazing at you beneath his mask.

"They will not redound to anyone's benefit in the slightest, kind of pesky if you ask me."

"Good thing I wasn't."

"That's a sudden spring of courage you have, but can you tell me why you still look terrified?" He laughed. "Putting on a facade does no one good, especially if someone was to get hurt through the way you seem to be talking. Need I bring up the Smiley incident?"

"He told you?"

"You're stupid to think he wouldn't when I was the one to hire him. What? Kare wa anata ga sukida to omoimasu ka?" You couldn't understand entirely what he said but you knew it was meant to be mocking. Admittedly, it was a dumb thought. "Now onto business- what will we do about Hunter?"

"What do you mean?" You timidly looked on, hoping he wasn't meaning anything harmful.

"Where has he been?"


"Where to?"

"Hunter- he's working on a set a few hours from here so there isn't really anything to worry about," you laughed. What even is with this stupid obsession? It makes no sense.

Continue? 16.0

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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