12.0) Expectations.

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"Okay, just- don't act weird, alright? Can you do that?" Hunter rolled his eyes at your request.

"Why would I be weird? How would that benefit me at all?" Hunter reached his left hand into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of tiny-framed glasses.

"What the hell are you doing now?" He fogged up the lenses with his breath before he began wiping them

"Glasses make people look more intimidating and, frankly, I wasn't gifted with terrible vision."

"No, seriously."

"I am being serious," Hunter, now equipped with a clean pair of glasses, added, "I don't know anything about this guy and I'm the closest you'll be getting to a dad- I have to make sure he isn't a bum."

"Not true- it's definitely not too late for me to get a sugar daddy."

"Maybe you should; It'd help with bills and you're legal," you groaned, knowing Hunter was right. It was a possibility but you'd very well prefer for that to be your last resort. Back to the current situation, though, you'd rather for Hunter not to meet Ruben- or at least not yet. Were you two even officially a thing? He never technically asked you to go steady with him, though you supposed it didn't matter as the situation was seemingly out of your hands as you recalled your earlier conversation.

"Hey, I'm going to meet Ruben, are you coming with?"

"What, why? Since when?" You asked over the phone, confused.

"Since, like, an hour ago- keep up."

"How'd you even get his phone number?"

"I know the password on your phone, so are you coming?"

"Aren't you supposed to be working in that one theatrical performance?" You questioned Hunter, "Didn't they ask for you? I know it's a little low-budget, so was the pay not good enough?"

"No, that's not it," he replied, "I just feel like I should stay here for now.

"What?" Laughing, you added, "you absolutely love traveling, why would you turn down that job?"

"Like I said, I should be here," despite how Hunter intended it to sound, you knew that he was aware of the fact that something was going on with you- even if he didn't yet know what. But, would it be safe to tell him? Were you allowed to do that? It's not like rules were clearly outlined for you and the last time you actually saw him was over a week and some ago. 'If by some chance, you thought, that he is capable of tracking my moves, I know he'll hurt Hunter.' That wasn't a chance you were willing to take just for the sake of clearing your conscience.

"Fine, I'll go."

"Ready?" He asked in front of the small diner Ruben chose to meet at.


"Well, can't keep him waiting," Hunter held the door open for you, allowing you to pass through. Cautiously walking through the frame, you immediately noticed Ruben sitting in a nearby booth.

"Hey, have you been waiting long?" You smiled, attempting not to look uncomfortable at the situation playing out.

"No," he laughed lightly, "I actually just got here too, but I thought only Hunter was coming?" You sat in the seat across from Ruben while Hunter remained standing. Please just sit down, you silently pleaded.

"Is this what he usually wears?" Hunter gestured towards the red sweater Ruben had on along with his blue jeans.

"Uh, what exactly do you mean?"

"Don't you think you should be dressing better if you're going to be dating my best friend?"

"Don't you think you should get better hair before you talk about fashion?"

"I'll have you know I'm all-natural, unlike some people."

"Okay, calm down." You motioned to the empty space beside you.


  After saying your goodbyes to Hunter, you thanked him for driving you. The dinner had an awfully rough start and by the end, Hunter and Ruben still weren't very fond of one another; However, Hunter did agree to not meet with him behind your back anymore. Knowing this was the best outcome you could've hope for, you walked into your house. Immediately, you could hear raised voices along with the clattering of dishes. As your feet silently tapped down the hallway and into the kitchen, the noise only grew louder. 

"I'm just saying to wash the dishes, you do nothing," You peeked around the frame into the kitchen to see Charles' heavily gesturing to the pile of dishes gathering in the sink..

"And I said no." Wiley looked away from him out of the kitchen window, clearly having a temper tantrum as his arms were crossed over his body.


"It's not my house."

"That's the lamest excuse, I've ever heard." You quietly backed away from the kitchen as a breeze passed over your body, causing your hairs to stand on end. Rubbing your arms, you were excited to get to bed. Clicking you shoes against the wood flooring lightly, you walked further into the darkness, refusing to turn on any lights before your room. Traveling up the stairs, you knew that soon you'd be able to feel the warmth of a shower. Turning the cold, silver handle to your door, another burst of air hit you- except this one was different. This one smelled crisp, of cider and that of fallen leaves. This one was reminiscent of bonfires, of burnt marshmallows, and that of the long-forgotten crackling associated with the flames. This one was caused by a more external force, one that couldn't be created in the house.

You looked around the room, the atmosphere weighing heavy with questions when you saw the source through the wavering curtains as they gently glided across the floor. Taking a step in, your eyes darted around, looking for any movement. Quickly, you illuminated the room with the flick of a switch and, to your relief, there was nobody in your room. Now on high alert, you swiftly moved to the window and shut it, making sure to lock it. But it already was locked, you though. And maybe it was, but there was a chance you forgot to, right? Though this thought quickly diminished when your eyes landed on your pillow. A tiny, blue Post-It sat attached to the lace.

12.A) Alert Charles.

12.B) Continue on.

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