3.A) Call Your Aunt

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"Luckily for you," you began. "Carmen is very cool and she's okay with you staying here-"


"As long as you don't cause any trouble." He groaned.

"That's going to be hard."

"You just flew on a plane from Texas to the United Kingdom using your own money, and staying out of trouble is hard for you?" You brother winked.

"I'm a rambunctious one you know, all my teachers call me that."

"Speaking of teachers, we have to get you enrolled into school. Are you on winter break right now?"

"Of course, I'm not as stupid as to up and ditch school." He leaned back on the couch as Charles walked down the stairs.

"Isn't he a bit young for you, (Y/N)? That's illegal you'know." Charles walked over and sat next to Wiley, examining him.


"What? I'm just saying~"

"Hello, I'm (Y/N)'s younger brother. My name is Wiley, don't wear it out." Wiley held out his hand and Charles shook it. "Who might you be?"

"Charles. Unfortunately, I am not betrothed to your sister, however, I am her roommate and we have been living together gloriously for a few months now."

"Charles, don't make it sound like you're hitting on me." You chuckled.

"Perhaps I am~" Charles purred. Wiley coughed into his hand.

"Well! I- uh- should probably get unpacked."

"Unpacked? You're staying here?" Charles asked, curiously.

"Oh my, I am so sorry. Is it okay with you? We can get a different apartment if not- he just knocked and I didn't know he was coming."

"It's okay, it's okay. I was just shocked is all. He could stay in the guestroom, I don't mind your sibling staying." He chuckled. The door burst open furiously, causing you to jump.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?!" Hunter asked in the doorway.

"what the-"

"Wiley!" Charles yelled at the upcoming potty language. "You're not suppose to say shit like that!"

"Why is today so exasperating?" You sighed.

"Thank God you're alright, (Y/N), I got worried when you didn't answer your phone so I thought I ought to make sure you were alright. So, I let myself in."

"How did you-" Charles started.

"Oh, I have a key."

"He has a key?!"

"I didn't make him one!"

"Yeah, I knew you might be a bit hesitant and it'd be fairly awkward to ask you for a copy so I made my own copy."

"Is everyday like this?" Wiley murmured.

"Only when you're around, sweetie." Charles laughed.

"Oh? Who's this?"

"Hunter, this is my younger brother, Wiley. I believe you're familiar with him?" Hunter's eyes lit up.

"Wiley! You look just like your mother!" You felt your heart drop just a bit. "Do you remember me?"

"I have a bit of foggy memories about you. I remember how you used to come over to our house everyday after school and you, sis, and Nathaniel used to argue over who was the coolest."

"Every day?"

"Every. Day." Wiley responded to Charles' question.

Later that day, after everyone calmed down:

"Alright so, now that you're all unpacked, let me tell you a few things. You're under no conditions allowed to be home alone and both my roommate and I work tomorrow so you are tagging along with me to the café."

"What?! Why can't I-"

"Because, Wiley, I care about you and I don't want to take the risk of losing you too." There was a pause.

"Okay." He said softly.

"Alright, goodnight then, sleep well." You kissed him on the forehead and exited the room, closing the door lightly behind you as to not bug Charles any more than you have already. You sighed, flopping down onto your bed. Today had been very stressful for you. All you really wanted to do now was rest for the oncoming day tomorrow as it seems to be a hectic outlook.

"How have you been, dear?" You shot up and looked over at the source of the voice: the window. "Shocked to see me? Does KageKao not tell you goodnight?" On the windowsill sat the man you met earlier in the café, Dr.Smiley, though you referred to him as a nuisance.

"Up until our little meet and greet earlier, I didn't even know he stalked me."

"Now, I don't think 'stalked' is an appropriate word." You glared at him, grumbly.

"Oh, but it is. How did you even get in?"

"Being a stalker has it's perks." He winked his long eyelashes.

"You're not even my stalker. I like Kagekao better." At least he doesn't have a cocky attitude like you. "Get out of my room."


"Kagekao said for you to protect me, correct? Well if you hurt me, I assume his punishment for you would be twice as worse than usual." He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? And what will you do if I don't leave?"

"I'll break my arm." Never had you had this kind of confidence before. However, not only were you pissed, but you were tired as well- which is not a very good combination.

"You wouldn't."

"Want to test me? I don't really think you're in the position to be doing so." He seemed to think for a moment.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

"To you too." After he lept out of the window, you quickly went up to it and locked it. No way were you risking another visit from him.

Continue. (4.0)

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