I look like a freak.

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Waking up, I felt...peculiar. Getting up, I saw that my skin had a gunmetal look to it. My eyes widened, remembering what they were talking about yesterday. Sprinting to the mirror, seeing that my eyes were scarlet, my hair was beginning to become more pale, but still had a decent amount of brown in it. I peeled my shirt off, looking at the shard, it still looked the same. "But they said within a week, not a day." I complained. Walking to the closet, I took out my black hoody, and a pair of blue skinny jeans.Walking over to the dresser with a mirror on it, I gazed at myself one more time before taking my socks out and putting them on.

I tried not to look at myself as I trotted past the mirror. Opening the door, not so quietly, because everything squeaked of old age. Walking down to the kitchen, as slow as I could, I looked at the unique scenery of the hallways.

Finally at the kitchen, I pulled out some of the raw meat out of the fridge. Removing the pan from the lower cabinets. After cooking it for a while, I noticed that Grunt was behind me. "Oh, good morning." I waved.

"Good morning," He answered. "Can I have some?" I took the food out of the pan and onto a plate, grabbing a knife, I cut it in half. How does he eat with a mouth like that? Bringing the plate over to the table, I grabbed a piece and scarfed it down.

"So where do you guys get food without going to a store?" I laughed thinking of them both with shopping carts looking for what they wanted, and people wide eyed and running away.

"Oh, there's a farm way back behind here." He said finishing the last of his food. Suddenly, my chest started to hurt, like, burn and throb. I clenched my chest, feeling a sort of tightness around my body. "Brook?" He observed what I was doing and then came over to my side of the table to see what was happening. I pointed to my chest. I closed my eyes wanting the pain to stop.

"Brute!" Grunt yelled as he started to pull up my hoody.

"What are you...doing!" I grabbed his hand and he sighed.

"Do you want the pain to stop or not?" I nodded and took my hand away. I saw Brute come in. Again, like the other day, I began to black out. Oh man, just make it stop. The pain was excruciating, it was like someone was stabbing you multiple times in one spot.

I blacked out. But it was different this time. I looked around and the mansion looked brand new, full of life. Peering down at myself, I noticed I was in a dress, with my hair done up nicely.

"Brook." I heard an echo of a mans voice. Frantically looking around, I noticed a man, he had grey hair and was probably about sixty. He was dressed in a red suit. I recognized him from somewhere but I didn't know.

"Who are you?" I posed. He didn't answer but merely held out a shard, a shard the same color as the one on my chest. Pulling my dress down a little to see my chest, it wasn't there, all that remained was a scar.

"I, am Alexander, child." Alexander? But didn't he die? A long time ago? Quickly and unexpectedly, I was pulled back into darkness. The dress dissolved and I was back into my regular clothes. I started to float into darkness for a while before I saw a light. Assuming that the light wasn't consummating towards me. I started to 'swim' towards it. Getting closer to the light, and there was sultriness radiating off of it.

The light started to wrap itself around me and I was back in the kitchen with Brute and Grunt. I gasped at the feeling of coming back to reality. It all felt so weird, considering that I was floating in darkness for a while.

"What...?" I said distraught. They must have known what was going on.

"It was Alexander wasn't it?" Grunt sighed while Brute nodded at the question. I shook my head trying to get the all of the random thoughts out. It was nerve-wrecking. Have you ever had something like this happen? No, of course not because you're all normal. I sighed and tried to get up, but instantly felt dizzy doing so. I caught myself on the table.

Feeling a rush of cold air, I looked around to see the man, Alexander, in the doorway. My eyes focused on his face, not pulling away. He looked like he was pissed off. Probably because I had the shard.

"Give me the shard back." He said briskly.

"I would if I knew how." I said in a snappy way. He looked like he was going to explode and he shoved me with a gust of wind and I fell over. Ignoring Brute and Grunt, he quickly walked over to me. He grabbed me by the strings of my hoody and pulled me forward.

"Now." I could smell his breath, and it smelt like death himself. He felt so real. But he wasn't, he was literally see through. I didn't answer and he pulled my hoody up and quickly tried to pull out the shard, which hurt like hell.

I screeched in pain. But he didn't care, all he wanted was the shard. When it didn't come out, he let me go, walking away like nothing happened. Sitting there, paralyzed, I rested my head on my hand thinking about what had just happened.

"He didn't kill you because he realized he can't," He started walking out of the kitchen. "That shard is the only thing that is protecting you from him." He was gone.

"This. Is. Crazy." I sighed looking out of the window, seeing kids and there parents play together. Looking down, I thought about the only time I had ever had fun with my parents, which was on my 6th birthday.

"It's alright," Grunt patted me on the shoulder. "With that shard, he can't kill you, with the shard, it will allow you to live as long as you want," As long as I want...? So I can basically be immortal? He continued, "But without it, Alexander will come for you." I nodded. So all I have to do is keep the shard in and I will be okay. Sounds easy enough. I got up and brushed myself off as I began to walk towards the front door. I opened it and I felt the nice breeze of a nice normal fall day.

Walking around the front yard, I noticed it hasn't exactly been taken care of. Probably since Alexander died, the city has yet to do anything about it, in fact, they probably didn't care at all.

Seeing a gravestone by one of the taller trees, I walked over to it. It said; 'Rest In Peace, Alexander-' And that's where I couldn't see anymore of the writing because it was either scratched up or it faded away.

As I continued walking down the rest of the yard, I could see a couple more gravestones. I walked over and they were all incomprehensible. I shrugged my shoulders and continued walking. Seeing a light around the back, I went over to the what it was.

It was another way to the cellar, so I went down, assuming it was just a light that was left on. Wrong, I saw the ghost of Alexander there, with another piece of shard that was glowing immensely. "So that's why he wants the other piece I have..." I whispered to myself.

I gazed around at the heavily decorated place, with a bunch of candles, I saw skulls, body parts, and everything that would associate with the word dead. I backed away, closing the door and running back into the house.

Going into my room, I looked into the mirror again. I sighed, some of the brown in my hair was gone and was replaced with white. As long as I had the shard, it would change me completely.

I like this. I really do. :D

But some of the sentences probably won't make sense until I start editing this more than I should have been xD

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