Who do you love?

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Shits going to go down >_> <_< It's gonna happen so hard you won't even believe it because it's going to hit you so hard in the face, you'll be like, "What was that?" And everyone will think you're crazy.

I looked at the time. 12:00AM. I groaned, listening to the persistent moaning below me. After a while, they started to scream. I assumed either Grunt or Brute were down there killing them or something. I walked to Grunt's room first. I opened his door slightly and peeked in. He was there.

"Who in the hell could be making this noise anyway." I whispered to myself. I slowly walked to Brute's room. Not seeing anything, but hearing a slight mumble, I knew he was there.

I sighed and began walking to the cellar. As I was about to open it, it stopped. Not wanting to cause them to scream and cry again, I walked away. Finally settling down into my bed, I began to drift. Hearing slight moans and groans, I decided to ignore it. After a while I went to sleep.

The alarm on my phone went off and sluggishly moved out of bed. I did my morning routines, except breakfast of course, and then walked out of my room. I then strolled to the kitchen to get breakfast, no, just water. Looking at the clock on my phone, I realized that neither of them might be up yet. I started to get nervous after what happened yesterday because I'm alone here. Vulnerable, really.

While drinking the some of my water, I sat down in the chair next to the window. I peeked out only to see some kids playing. Huh...I sometimes wish I was still little.I thought. I admired the nature a little longer until someone walked in. I looked over. Brute. Oh, shit. Grunt better hurry up. This guy hates my guts...

"Do you...mind if I join you?" He asked. I shook my head and patted the seat next to me, trying to be as friendly as possible, still, trying not to get myself killed. He hesitantly walked over and sat.

"So, how are you this lovely morning?" I queried trying to start a conversation.

"I'm well.. a little tired, and you?" He questioned.

"Same." Our little conversation died right then and there. I guess it was because we still didn't really talk that much.

He left. Wow, maybe he doesn't like me at all. Or am I just boring? About two minutes later, he came back holding a pencil and a notebook, and then sat down in the same spot. This just might be the start of a beautiful friendship. I laughed at the thought.

He began scribbling down things. I looked over to see what he was writing but I couldn't read it. Know why? Because it's in cursive. I put an ear bud in and started to listen to music.

"What are you writing about?" Please don't say, 'none of your business.'

"It's sort of...a story." He stopped writing and tapped the pencil on the table. Ah, so he is creative?

"Oh, about what?" I asked very curiously. I don't think that he wanted to answer at first because I guess he was embarrassed about it.

"It's about a monster and a girl," He began writing again. "The monster...loves the girl, but, she thinks that he's a freak. Well, that's the basic summary, at least." I smiled a little. That's...that's adorable in so many ways I cannot describe the emotions that I am feeling right now. 

"...Maybe, I can read it one day? After I learn how to read cursive?" He shrugged. As I was about to say something else, Grunt came in, rubbing his belly as usual.

"Hey guys. Oh hey, are you working on that story about that girl you love?" He chuckled.

"I don't love her, I guess you could call it-never mind Grunt, you don't understand. And I swear to God, if you ever tell her, I will kill you." It was great to see them fight all the time, it was funny because Brute would get super flustered.

"No you won't," Grunt sat down on the other side of me and whispered, "You want to know who he loves?" I smiled and nodded.

"Grunt!" Brute yelled. I ignored them and started singing to my song.

"Kiss me hard before you go. Summertime sadness, I just wanted you to know, that, baby, you're the best..." They stopped arguing and I trailed off. [A/N: The song is Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey. Just in case you wanted it.] "What?" I asked.

"And she's a good singer." Grunt loudly 'whsipered'. Brute sighed and left.

I could feel the shard pulsate. Having a good time, Brook? A voice muttered into my head. I instantly realized it was Alexander. You know it. I replied. 

I will give you one more chance, girl.Give it to me. He furiously yelled.

"Oh, I couldn't even if I wanted to! So why don't you leave me alone, yeah?!" I yelled out loud, but seriously not even meaning to. He didn't answer me back, which was good, and it meant that he was gone for now.

"What?" Grunt looked over from...whatever he was doing.

"Nothing. It was him." I said frustrated. I swear, if you don't leave me alone, I will find a way to fucking kill you, and that's a promise that I will keep. I hoped he heard me but he still didn't respond. What a disgusting man...

Yeah, I'm really tired and I'll edit this later. >:D I know I made mistakes but you'll understand, yeah? :P

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