Getting Bullied.

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I do not own Amnesia, damn, I wish I did though! But seriously, if you haven't seen/played the game, you won't know what I'm talking about. Ahaha... o_o' *continues this story from my other account by the way~*

"Brook, did you do your homework?" My mom asked sternly. Of course I did, you wench. I thought and looked directly at her.

"Yes, mom..." I said while brushing off my uniform. If I didn't look 'perfect', she'd scold me again. Don't want that, do we? I headed out to walk to school. Leaving without a single goodbye from my father, who is too busy with work, nor my mother, who basically hated me anyway.

I walked past a couple of houses slowly, getting prepared for the worst. "Oi, Brook," I turned around to see Amanda, and her two 'friends'. "Got my money?" All I wanted to do was punch her smug face.

"No?" I rolled my eyes. Jesus, don't you ever just shut the hell up? She walked over and grabbed my shoulder, boy, did she have a firm grip. She narrowed her eyes and leaned closer to me.

"I know you didn't just roll your eyes at me." I pushed her off and continued walking. I could hear her and the others behind me. I could feel one of there hands grab my shoulder again. Then, one grabbed my hair. I grunted as I was pulled down. "You little bitch." Amanda scrunched up her nose.

I struggled out of there grip, pushed them and ran the rest of the way to school. As soon as I got up to the door, I could see that everyone was already heading to homeroom. I sighed, feeling relief wash over me like a tidal wave because I wasn't late. (Holy shit I used a simile.)

I sat in homeroom for ten minutes, bored, reading a book. The bell rang, and I went through my daily routine: Math, English, Science, History, Lunch, French, and Theater. I packed up quickly, knowing that Amanda and her lackeys were probably going to kill me, literally, she hated my guts for some unknown reason.

Speed walking out of the school I saw them, waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I turned around, going to leave school from the back. "Brook!" I heard Amanda yell. I started to dart through people, hoping to get lost in the crowd. No such luck was on my side. She was right behind me. I opened the back door and shut it in her face, making her even more pissed off.

I threw my bag to the side, knowing that there wasn't anything of value inside of it. My mom wouldn't let me have anything, though I did have an iPod, only to listen to music. If I'd brought it, she'd kill me. She was always insisting that I just focus of school. I stopped behind a tree to catch my breath. "Crap..." I sighed.

"Yeah, crap is right." I could hear the cracking of knuckles. I looked up to see Amanda, and the other two.

"Don't you even have anything better to do?" I scoffed. Which led to to me getting punched in the stomach. It knocked the air out of me, but I'll be fine.

"Did I say you could talk?" She asked and spit on my face in the process. I stood up, and tried to bolt out of there. Until one girl grabbed my arm. I elbowed her in the nose and started to dart off. I kept running throughout the whole neighborhood and eventually until there weren't really any houses present.

But there was one, an old mansion. I've heard of this mansion before. Oh, this is the mansion everyone says is haunted. I thought to myself while running into the yard, looking back seeing the girls following me. That guy...Alexander owned it. I continued. I ran into it. When I opened the door, dust and spiderwebs flew in my face. Trying to wipe them off, I tripped over something and twisted my ankle. "You're really hard to catch, ya know that?" Amanda whispered in my ear. I looked up at her. She pulled out a knife.

I gasped and said, "What the hell are you thinking woman?!" She didn't answer but simply slashed me on the cheek with the knife and laughed. Oh my God, she really is nuts.

I tried to crawl away but the other girls pinned me down. I struggled more and more and she slashed more and more. I yelled and cried but she didn't stop. Until I felt an adrenaline boost I was defenceless. I managed to push back one of the girls and punch Amanda in the face. Nose dripping with blood, she kicked me in the stomach.

My stomach threatened to hurl up everything I had in there. She started to beat on my until we heard footsteps. I could see a chubby guy, with no clothes on pull one of the girls back with her shirt collar. He killed her. Amanda let go of me and started screaming, along with the other girl.

Another man who I could not see very clearly, because I was fading in and out, he caught the other girl. Cutting her head off, I gasped. They were monsters, the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was the chubby man, with his jaw, literally, almost ripped off, pick Amanda up and killed her as well. I could see the other man, with only one arm, because all the was the other one was a sword looking thing. I gasped a little and the man with one arm looked at me.

I began to fade in and out, then suddenly, I blacked out completely.

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