Chapter 31

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Samantha's POV

Dan comes to pick me up. He does a lot better driving this time. He says hes been practicing. We go home and I feed Lizzy and sit down on the sofa. Dan puts his arm around me.

"She's growing up to quickly." I say.

"I know. Our baby is growing up!"

"Yeah and we won't be able to have another." I whisper.

"Oh it's fine! One is enough." Dan says.

"Yeah but if you do want another one later on we still could try." I say and shrug.

"True. It could still be possible." Dan says as I get up. I go to our room and put Lizzy in her crib then go and sit back down. I cuddle up next to Dan.

"So when do I get to meet Carrie?"

"Uh...Thought you would forget about that." Dan says.

"I want to meet her!"

"Okay let me call her."

Then about 20 minutes later I hear a knock at the door. Dan smiles at me and opens the door. I stay watching Dr.Who until Dan comes in with Carrie behind him.

"Listen Carrie we got off on the wrong foot." I say then get up. She smiles at me.

"Your the famous Samantha?"

"That's me." I say and smile.

"I forgive you." She says. I run and shake her hand. "So wheres this baby?"

We spend the rest of the night with her. I'm glad I devoloped a good relationship with her just in case something happened with me and Dan. I'm not saying anything will but...

She finally has to go and me and Dan crawl into bed after I feed Lizzy. Dan puts his arm around my waist.

"You know we cou-"

"Daniel don't even think about it." Dan groans.

"Plus Lizzy is asleep."

"I know. Want to go shopping for her tomorrow?"

"Yeah sounds fun!" I say. Dan laughs and we fall asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night. I groan and remove Dan's arm from around me. I crawl into the kitchen and walk but smash my face into the glass door and fall down.

"Ow fuck." I say quietly then open the door. I turn on the light but it starts flikering then it busts. I yelp then get some water and go back into our room and lay down. Dan turns and looks at me with his white eyes.

"What was that bang?"

"Oh just me running my face into the glass door." I say. Dan chuckles. "The light also busted."  Isay. Dan gorans.

"They are all." He says then puts his arm around me. "What time is it?" He whispers in my ear.

"4:51" I say.

"One more hour of sleep." He says.

"Fucking school." I mumble. Dan laughs. I turn around the where i'm facing him and get closer to him.

"Just remember after we get to go shopping."

"I know. Thank god it's friday." I say then fall asleep.

I hear the alarm go off. Dan groan and get up. I stay in bed.

"Let's go." He says.

"5 minutes babe."

"No get up."




"Samantha." I groan and get up.

I walk to school with Dan next to me holding Lizzy. I see Zoey waving. I kiss Dan goodbye and walk over to her. We walk into our class together.

I walk into Biotechnology and see a substitute. I groan and get my folder and go to my seat. The teacher comes up to me and Megan and ask us to pass things out. We nod and I get my papers and start passing them off. I get to my last group.

"Thank you sir." The boy says. I give him an evil glare.

"You welcome ma'am. Ashley is it?" I ask then smirk. He has the most priceless face on. He stands up and slaps me in the face. I put my hand on my red cheek. "Thank you. I really needed it. Now who's your favourite YouTuber?" I ask. He looks at me weird.

"Uh...Carrie." he says and smiles.

"Okay i'll make sure to tell her what you did." I say and pat his back.

"What how can you do that?"

"Oh I don't know. I'm Danisnotonfires girlfriend."  I say. "Now just keep watching for a new video with my face telling everything you said." I say and smile. I hear the door open and see Dan standing in the doorway talking to the teacher. "Now i'll see you later. I have to go shopping for my kids clothes."


"You heard me. See ya later Ashley." I say and smile. His face turns red and he slaps me even harder. I look around the room and see everyones eyes on me looking for the next move. I fight back the tears and punch him in the stomach. He punches me on the cheek.


"OH YOU WANT TO GO THERE?" I yell. "COME AT ME BRO! I'M FUCKING WAITING!" He kicks me to the ground then kicks my stomach. I groan as the teacher comes over. He helps me up and I hug Dan. 

"Come on I think you need to go home." He says.

"Dan it hurts."

"Come on Sam lets go." He says as he picks me up bridal style. I put my arms around his neck and my chin on his shoulder. We get out into the hallway. "You'll have to open your locker." 

"Okay." I say as I bend down.

"So how did this whole fight start?"

"He called me a sir so I called him a girl and he slapped me and I said I would tell Carrie what he did." I say and bit my lip.

"Oh my defencless Sam." He says then hugs me.

"Can we go to the park?" I say pretty loudly.

"Yeah." He says and grabs my hand. "Lets go."

A/N: I know it was stupid and bad but I had no ideas and I had to hurry. SO yeah Sam got beat up! Oh well...anyway fish byez!

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