He gives you a goodbye gift - Niall

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"Niall" You cried into his strong arms wrapped around you. "I don't want you to leave again, you can't"

"I know baby, but it is only 2 months, then we see each other for 2 weeks, and then 3 more months on tour and then we get each other for the whole year. It will go by quick I promise you." He reassured you looking down at your wet face and wiping your tears away.

"Don't cry, then i'm going to cry. I hate to see you like this. I know me leaving you is hard, and your such a strong person for dealing with it, and I pray everyday you don't leave me and i'm so glad you haven't. You're my everything, I can't lose you. Thank you for being so strong these past few years with the tour. But after this we go on our break! Isn't that exciting!"

"I guess." You sniffle looking away from Niall's now watery eyes.

"I got you something." Niall chirped plopping you on top of the counter and squeezing the top of your thighs.

"I didn't though. I'm so sorry Niall I didn't realize we were doing gifts." You apologized shaking your head and looking down in embarrassment.

Niall didn't hear your comment because he ran upstairs. Ten seconds later he came racing downstairs at lightning speed with a gift in his hand. At the last step he tripped a little and knocked over his guitar that was being held upright by the stand. Your burst into laughter and couldn't help your smile from growing bigger and bigger as the tears that stained your face dried up.

"That's the smile I love." He walked over to you. "Now open it." Niall said smirking and looking up into your eyes.

Like a little kid you tore open the box and found one of Niall's favorite t-shirts that said "Crazy Mofos" on it and a pair of his gray joggers. This was the exact outfit he wore yesterday. Was this his way of telling you to do the laundry?

Confused you look up at a content Niall.

"Since you love my clothes and scent so much I am giving you my favorite clothes, worn by me covered with my scent and your favorite cologne. I figured it was the closest thing to my presence. So wear it to sleep, or smell it whenever you miss me. I don't know go crazy kid." He laughs nervously.

"Niall." You took the carefully folded shirt out and smelled it holding it close to your heart.

"Do you like it? It's really stupid. I should of just bought you something." He questioned.

"Niall, I love it. Absolutely love it, it's the most thoughtful thing someone has ever done for me. Thank you." You lowered the box to the counter beside you and wrapped Niall in a hug burying your face in his neck as he does the same. He cradles the back of your neck squeezing you tighter and tighter.

"So where is my gift?" Niall says with a hint of sexiness in his voice.

"I didn't get one." You admit again looking down.

"I think you're enough." Niall growls in your ear. Wrapping his large hands under your thighs and hoisting you up into your shared bedroom.

"I love you (Y/N)" He whispers into your ear once he starts to kiss your neck.

"I love you more Niall Horan."

"Impossible." He grins.

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