he surprises you- Harry

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You step into the burning shower and blast your music. Your boyfriend was on tour and wasn't supposed to come back in two months, so you had free range of the house. You could blast your music that Harry hated, eat all the food in the house, go to sleep and wake up whatever time, and roam the house fully naked. Well you did that with Harry living in the house. 

As the water hit your skin you closed your eyes and let it cascade over you. Without Harry holding you at night its been hard to fall asleep and you were exhausted. You squeezed the shampoo out of your hair and some flicked in your eyes.

"AHH!" you screamed in pain. The fogged doors slide open and a towel was handed to you. You gladly took it and wiped the soap out of your eyes before realizing what happened. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" you screamed in horror.

"Baby!! It's just me." A curly headed boy appeared and his green eyes locked with yours. Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around you and pulled you tightly to his chest.

"(Y/N) I missed you so much, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I guess it was affecting my performance so they sent me to surprise you. Ugh I love you so much, I can't believe I'm hol-" 

You stopped him off with a kiss. A long, passionate, steamy kiss. He slid his hands down to your hips and firmly pressed onto them as he hungrily smashed his lips onto yours.

You shuddered against him when a cold breeze hit you. "Haz, I love you a lot, but I'm freezing." 

"Oh yeah! Get back into the shower love. I'll join you." He said letting you go with a pat on the bum, a devilish smirk and wink your way.

You climb back in the shower only to have a naked Harry rush in and hug you from behind moments later.

"I missed you." his deep voiced whispered in your ear.

"Me too, welcome home Harry." You emotionally said back.

"I-Is this The Rogue?" Harry asked. This was the band Harry hated but you loved.

"Yes?" You nervously asked chuckling.

"Well that's certainly not okay babe. With Made in the A.M. out? Come on!"

Harry squeezed your sides and you giggled and melted under his touch. You can't believe your boyfriend, baby, love, your Haz was back and holding you. 

You knew you were going to get a great's night sleep tonight, well if you fall asleep

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