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I see Luke walk back to the green room, and the guys are all set up ready to rehearse. Luke came in really....weird. He didn't say a word at all and was very stiff. He got his guitar and counted us off at s really monotone voice. As we rehearse our songs we can tell that Luke was not having it. After that talk with Maggie, he just suddenly broke down.

We finished our last song and take five. The band and I walk into the Java Junction and Luke...still hasn't said a word. We all sit at the wood table, wondering what is going through Luke's mind. I finally decide to ask him what was wrong. Last time I saw him like this was when he got his first guitar but it was more filled with excitement than

"Luke, buddy, what's wrong?" No answer. His eyes are planted on the table, his head was in space and he couldn't hear us. "LUKE?!" Luke jumps and stares at me. "JOHN!" He shouts back.

"Luke are you okay?" I ask again.

He shrugs," I don't know. Is the earth moving, does music play by itself, are there still dodo birds in the forests?" Luke was broken, something happened in the Rose room. "Luke you've been acting weird ever since you came back from the Rose room with Maggie-"

"Oh my, what did you guys do?" James asked crossing his arms. "Did you guys kis-"

"NO!" Luke shouts. "No we d-didn't," Luke stuttered. Their's definitely something going on with Luke. He was now causing a scene in the Java Junction with all the shouting. I don't know how to handle this.

Coming into the Junction was Maggie, and Luke jumped from his seat. His eyes wide, he sat back down and his jaw dropped. Maggie looked back at Luke and gave him I know there's something going on between Luke and Maggie, but I don't know. I was never good at love. "Hey Maggie," Luke said.

"Hey," she replied walking back out of the junction with an apple. Luke leaned back and let out a soft sigh. "Dude you so like her," Theo says taking a bite out of his sandwich. Luke chuckles and sits up to look at me. He mouths one word 'van' and shows me seven on his hands. Got it, van at 7 o'clock. We continued with our break and went back to rehearsing.

Seven o'clock came rolling in and I was in the van waiting for Luke. I saw him coming down the stairs from the window. He opens the door letting the cool air outside flow into the stuffy Van. Luke climbs in and closes the doors and brings out his laptop. Be both sit against the seats and watch a movie.

We were halfway into the movie and I decide to bring up the subject. Luke was more clam and seemed like he was ready to talk. "Luke," I ask. "What happened in the Rose room?"

He pauses the movie and sighs looking up at the ceiling. "I almost kissed Maggie."

My heart skipped a beat. I knew he liked Maggie as a friend and had a feeling something like this would happen. But I had no idea it'd be now. "Oh my, so how did it happen? She leaned in, you leaned in and bam?"

"No I leaned in first," he said. I was surprised, Luke had only had one girlfriend and he didn't even like her that much. She was always the one hanging around him, in fact she asked him out and decided that they would get together. She broke up with him because he was focused on the band and not her.

"Wow, okay. Do you like Maggie?" I asked.

"I don't know," he replied," I just saw her and I wanted to kiss her really badly but then Leia walked in and Maggie jolted away. I hope Leia didn't see anything."

I shrugged and opened a bag of potato chips. "Well in the mean time, just wait and see what happens." Luke smiled and stole the chips. "Hey!" We both laughed and watched the movie for the rest of the night.

The next day we both wake up in the van. "Dude, we slept in hear," Luke said. "I know, I also slept in here too Luke," I say. I open the doors and see the sunlight flash in my eyes, making me squint. "We gotta hurry and get back to the studio. We don't have band practice today so we can have time to work on our individual albums." I nodded and jumped out of the van, I fixed my shirt and helped Luke out of the van. We both walk back into the studio still in the same clothes.

Leia POV

I walk into the studio and see Mary sitting at the piano. Mary was really cool and she was a great songwriter so I decided that if ask if she wanted to do a duet.

"Hey Mary," I say sitting next to her on the piano seat.

"Hey Leia, what's up?" I smiled and said," well I was thinking, that maybe we could do a duet, you know in the album?" Mary nodded and make an o shape with her mouth.

"Oh yeah, sure, when do you wanna start?" She asked. "Can we start now?" I asked. Mary smiles and says yes.

I'm very glad to be working with Mary. I have a feeling we're going to work great together.


Im in the Java Junction writing some thoughts and ideas down in my diary. I'm looking around at the different people. I don't know who I want find a duet with so I decided to record my solo song first and then find a duet. I have a whole year so I think I'll be able to find one later on.

Rachel POV

I'm sitting in the Rose room and I decide to do a duet with Anabelle. I think we are pretty close, and we've become really great friends thanks to the band. Anabelle and I are writing a song called For You and it's a song about friendship. I really like the song and Anabelle was a really great song writer. I had no idea how great she was.

"How about With years you stood by my side, just know that I'll have your heart for the rest of our lives?" I nodd," sounds great Anabelle!"

I think this project is going to be a success.

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