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I'm in the Rose Room with Theo because we decided to do a duet for the albums. From the corner of my eye I saw Michelle walk in, with her hands laced together. "John?" I looked up and saw Michelle fully. I don't know what to say to her honestly. "Can I talk to you really quickly?" I look back at Theo and he smirked. I got out of my seat and followed Michelle.

We walked outside behind the building next to the van. "Okay, we need to talk," she said. "About us." Panic started to flow through my body and I froze not knowing what to say. "John, I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, and well here I am, I'm going to tell you how I feel." Michelle put her hands around my face and, well kissed me. I didn't know what to do, or what to tell her. She let me go her lips were separated from mine and she had wide eyes. "Sorry," she said quickly. I then grab her arm and kiss her again. My body started to take action, I wasn't myself right now, I don't know what's going on, but right now I have a different feeling inside me and it was a good feeling. I let Michelle go and she smiles and so do I? "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." She smiles and gives me a peck. "I love you," she says wrapping her arms around my neck. "I love you too."

Luke POV

   After what happened in the rose room, I just couldn't see Maggie the same way. Okay I have a secret you can probably guess what it is, but I might or might have a crush on Maggie. I don't know, something about her, the first time we met we instantly clicked. She's really cool, and when we met for the first time she had a smile that just lit up the room. She has the same taste in music as me. It was great, and we automatically became friends. I really don't want to ask her out because I feel like it would destroy our friendship and I value my friendship with Maggie. I don't know what to do at this point.  Should I go after her? Or should I keep my friendship with her the same?

Rachel POV

I'm sitting in the green room with Leia and she is rambling on and on about Maggie and Luke. I love Leia, but sometimes she can be wait to controlling and can be paranoid. "Ugh, she is going to pay, I mean she talked to him, in private!"

"Well Leia, that really isn't fair." She glares at me. "Right?" She groans in irritation and sits next to me. "Look, it technically wasn't her fault, Luke pulled her away to talk to her right? So she didn't plan to talk to him in private, he did."

"She probably made up a plan-"

"LEIA! Listen to yourself, to me I don't think Maggie did anything wrong, and if Luke asked her out, and she said yes oh well. Leia you've been crushing on him forever. I honestly think you should let him go." Leia sighed. I walk out of the green room and to the studio

John POV

I sat with Luke in the van and we were on our way to another gig, difference was, Maggie was with us. We were all going to this old friend's party, and they asked for us to play. We decided to have Maggie with us so we can perform the song, we opened with Magenta City. "Maggie, are you excited?" Theo asked. She nodded,"Of course, I miss doing gigs."

"You've done gigs?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, in my hometown i always performed at different bars and coffee shops, and other events to such as parties, weddings, and family gatherings." I could see Luke smirking from the corner of my eye, the other two just asked questions about her music career.

We finally arrive at our destination, and the party was huge. Our friend Mike was a huge fan of our band, so Luke and I were excited when we got the call. We all hop out of the van and walk to the front door. Theo knocks, and the door swings open. "JOHN! LUKE! HEY GUYS!" Mike shouted giving us both hugs. "Hey! Umm, this is Theo, James, and Maggie," Luke said. "Wait I thought it was a all guy band."

"Yeah, well Maggie is our special guest," Luke said putting his hands behind his back rocking back and forth. Mike raised his eyebrows in suspicion. "Ah, okay, well the stage is in the backyard, I'll open the fence." We all walked to the side of the house with our instruments. The stage was a decent size, we quickly set up and start performing. James started banging the drums and Maggie starts singing "Can't Buy Fame."

The crowd was roaring, they loved it. After performing a couple songs, we put away our instruments. "Hey, you guys wanna stay for a bit, come and hang out?"Mike asked. We all exchanged looks. "Sure," Luke replied.

Maggie POV

I was kind of nervous, being in a new environment, and people I've never met before. I walked inside the house, it was huge. High ceiling, tile floor, large pool, stage, it was everyone's dream house.  "Maggie, you okay?" I look back at James and nodded. "It's okay, if it makes you feel any better, I'm kind of nervous too." I sighed and smiled. "Haha, that actually makes me feel a lot better," I chuckled and so did James. The party was fun, after a while I started to meet new people and we danced to some pretty cool music. "Hey Maggie!" I heard Theo shout.  He was rushing towards me, "what's wrong?"

"It's John, he's in a fight." We both rushed outside the house and saw Luke and John yelling at three older men. Theo and I looked at the huge scratch and dent on the van's bunker. "Whatever man, I'm not paying for that!," shouted the older man. "What?! You hit my van!
You hit a parked Van!" John shouted. "Hey! You guys! Stop," I said interrupting.

"You did it, you pay for it, if it makes you feel any better I'll pay for your damage, if you pay for my friend's-"

"Maggie. Please."

"Fine," the men say. I gave them my insurance number and he gave his. "Alright, I'll make sure to have it done tomorrow." The man nodded and walked back to his house next door.

I turned back around and looked back at the band. "Maggie, you really didn't have to do that," John said. "It's okay, I wanted to." Theo and them sighed, and looked down. "Guys, don't feel bad about it, come on, let's go home." Luke and the others smiled and each gave me a hug. We climbed into the van and ride back to Lost and Found.

"Woah, what happened?" Annabelle asks, observing the dent in the bunker. "Some older guy totally hit our parked van." John said harshly. "Well at least nobody got hurt," Clara added. "Other than that how did your gig go?"

"It was awesome! I'll admit, we partied harder than we-" Luke cut Theo, "man uh, no." Theo laughed and walked in through the back door. We all walked inside and all take a seat in the lounge.

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