More Friends Out There

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I walk down the lane to Sugarcube corner, with my hands in my pockets. I sigh.

'I just can't believe this.' I think.

"Hey, Rainbow !" I hear Sunset's voice and look up. She is coming towards me from the opposite direction.

"Hey, Sunset." I say with a small smile.

"Going to Sugarcube Corner ?" She asks.

"Uh.. yeah."

"Well, let's go together then."

I nod and we both walk together, our hair flowing in the breeze.

"Is anything wrong ?" Sunset asks once we're in front of Sugarcube Corner.

"No... Nothing much.." I reply. Sunset just shrugs and walks in, with me following suit. All our friends are sitting at the usual place - the couch near the bakery's counter.

"Hey, guys." I say, but not as enthusiastically as this afternoon. I do my best to manage my cool. Instead of pondering over my sudden transfer to Paris, I can just spend my time with my friends, right ? Besides, I need to make as many good memories in this one month, and avoid bad ones as much as possible.

"What happened, Rainbow ?" Twi asks. Shoot. Not now...

"Um, nothing, why ?" I reply.

"You're.. staring into space." Sunset says, but it comes out more like a question.

"Whatever. Let's get some drinks." I deadpan.

"Like these ?" Pinkie says, stretching the 'l' a little, whilst placing a tray with seven glasses on it. I stare at it, wide-eyed. So do the others.

"All our favorites." Pinkie says, grabbing a drink from the table. The others follow suit.

'She really does know all my tastes. I'm going to miss her. No, miss them. A lot.' I think, taking my own glass.

"What ?" Rarity asks, looking straight at me.

"What what ?" I ask.

"Don't give us that 'What what', Rainbow Dash. Something is clearly wrong with you. That's what what." Applejack says.

"Nothing's wrong, you guys, it's just..." I feel tears swell up in my eyes. I try my best to hold them back... I don't want to think I'm, that too this kind of weak.

"Your parents are.. sending you to Paris ?" Pinkie guesses, but unlike most of her guesses, this one has a sad tone to it.

I glance at all my friends, their eyes wide, and the tips of their lips curled down; a look of sorrow.

"Y-yes..." I reply, looking down. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I look up and see that it's Applejack's.

"Why din't you tell us earlier, sugarcube ?" She asks.

"I-I'm sorry. I- I didn't want to ruin our hangover. I just wanted to make memories but.. not sad ones." I say, looking at my drink.

"Rainbow, you know that friends can make the worst of days into something much better. You should have told us earlier." Sunset says. I look up at her and sigh. 

"I know. But I don't know if it can get any worse. I'm leaving next month and worse, what if I pony up there ? It would be just.." I sigh.

"We know." Rarity says. 

"But as you said earlier, let's leave all this aside and spend time together for the rest of this month. We may miss your sports session, or maybe even my after school tuitions, or even Applejack's chores. But hopefully, we'll be able to make as many memories a we can." Twi says, glancing between me and Pinkie Pie, whose pink, poofy hair lost some of it's color and poofiness.

"Right, Pinkie Pie ?" She concludes.

"We could.. have a 'Goodbye, Rainbow Dash' party, 'We'll Miss You, Dashie' party, 'Enjoy Your Stay in Paris' party, create a Parisian Girl bucket list, Go to the beach, Have 25+ sleepovers, Do all kinds of activities, And even have a special Dance Event in Rainbow Dash's honor !" Pinkie says, counting on her fingers as she lists different things. Her tone slowly changes from sad to happy as she speaks, and I never saw her hair being so poofy before. Twi and Rarity glance at each other, then at me. I chuckle.

"The 'Dance in my honor' wouldn't be necessary, Pinkie. But you're right. We will have a lot of fun. No matter what, we shall always have fun together from today." I say.

"But we must have a dance at CHS." Pinkie whines and puts on a pouty face with puppy eyes.

"Okay, fine. But not in my honor. Then there would be a lot of 'We're going to miss you !' and all that sappy stuff." I say, chuckling a little.

"Typical Rainbow Dash." Sunset jokes and we all laugh. 

"I think I may know what we should be doing first." Rarity says. "Let's go to Carousel Boutique !"

"Now ?" We all ask. Rare frowns.

"We need to get new outfits for your transfer, remember ?" She says. My mouth makes a small 'o'. 

"Come on !" Pinkie grabs my arm and I get up. As I walk out of the cafe, hands locked with my friends, I suddenly feel better than ever.


I sit in my turnable chair (A/N : Did I get that right ?), with my hands crossed on my desk and my head resting on them.

"Well, atleast it wasn't that bad, right ?" Tikki says, trying to reassure me.

"That so called debate was a 'tie'. And we have 'five weeks' go get closer to Ladybug and then there will be a rematch. And how does she make up all those lies, Tikki ?"

"She isn't the only one making up lies, Marinette." She deadpans. "By the way, it's not like your life depends on it."

"It does, Tikki ! It does ! Who knows ? Alya may forget all about me and replace me with Lila as her new BFF and maybe Adrien will actually give her a chance and I can never be with him and my life will be RUINED !!" I whine, and I'm not joking. Tikki giggles. 

"You always make a mountain out of a molehill, Marinette. Even if you'll lose Alya and Adrien, you'll still be Ladybug and you'll have Cat Noir. He knows you just as much as Alya or me or your parents ! Besides, even if that ever happens, there will be more friends out there. Just waiting for you.." Tikki says. I smile a little.

"You're actually right, Tikki." I say and look at the clock. I sigh.

"Time for patrol. Tikki, spots on ! Hah !" I say, and within moments, I transform into Ladybug, my alter ego.

I slowly open the trapdoor to my balcony and climb out on it. When no one's looking (but I'm wrong), I use my yoyo to get to the Eiffel tower. Cat Noir didn't reach yet, so I take a moment to think about what Tikki said.

'There will more friends out there... Just waiting for me.'

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