As Time Goes By

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(A/N : This happens right after the last chapter's ending.)


I stand on the Eiffel Tower, looking at the scenery below. The bright lights illuminate all of Paris, and I can easily make out the people who're on the streets, getting ready to go home, and even the akumas, if there are any. Before I know it, a pair of hands cover my eyes, startling me.

"Cat, I know it's you." I say, giggling, and uncovering my eyes. And I'm so right- it is him.

"I knew you'd know, M'lady." He say, bowing a little, and we both sit down, our feet dangling.

"Cat Noir ? Can I ask you something ?" I say, breaking the awkward silence hanging between us.

"Yes, LB ?" He replies.

"If another superhero came along... would you replace me with her ?" I ask, choosing each word carefully. I turn to him. His face is covered with an expression of shock and surprise.

"Why would you think that ?" He asks.

"You see, because... There's this new girl at my school... And it's like she's making me invisible. Even my best friend talks to her more than she does with me. I just wanted to know if you'd do the same if another superhero came along." I say and look away.

"Ladybug.." He holds my chin and turns my head so we're facing each other. I notice that he has moved closer to me. "You know that I'd do nothing of that kind, right ? No matter what happens, you'll always be in my heart. Besides, even if that girl steals all your friends, you'll still have me... as Cat Noir, and maybe even in my civilian form. No one can take your place as my Ladybug." He says and leans in closer, slowly inching towards my face.... Until I realize what's going to happen.

I put a hand on his shoulder and lean away a little, giggling all the while.

"You had to ruin that ?" He asks, pouting a little.

"Sorry, kitty. I'll see you later, okay ? We have to patrol." I say, and kiss his cheek. Then I use my yoyo to take off, but not before looking back to see his flustered face.


Three and a half weeks later...

I sneakily put in a ball gown into one of Rainbow's bags and sigh. Rainbow Dash is going to leave the day after tomorrow, and she called us over to help her pack up.

"Thanks for helping, guys." Rainbow says, closing one of her bags.

"No, problem, Rainbow." Twi says. She's organizing the dresses in one of her bags. Applejack, Pinkie and Sunset couldn't come over, as they're busy with some work.

Rainbow turns and looks out her window, which shows a spectacular view of the city.

"I know.. But I wish everyone was here, too. I want to spend time with all of you together." She looks down, then at us.

"It's okay, Rainbow. We could have a sleepover, don't you think " I suggest.

"Mmhmm. Just think of it this way, your last sleepover-" Twi starts, but is interrupted by Rainbow before she can finish her sentence.

"Will you stop ?" She snaps. Noticing our frightened expressions at her sudden outburst, she sighs and turns back to the window.

"Sorry about that... It's just that... I'm sick of it. Sick of all those sympathetic looks everyone is giving me. It's not like something bad has happened. I'm just moving to Paris, that's all. Why can't they just look at me normally ? That, and what's with the 'last this' and 'last that' ? I'm just sick of it !" Rainbow says.

"Sorry about that, Rainbow. I din't know you felt that way." Twi says.

"It's okay, Twi." Rainbow says.

"And guess what ?" I say, looking at a text Sunset just sent me.

"What ?" Rainbow, Twi and Fluttershy ask simultaneously.

"Princess Twilight is coming here ! She'll stay here till tomorrow evening." I announce.

"That's great news, Rarity." Fluttershy says.

"I know." Rainbow Dash says. "Let's get back to packing up, shall we ?"

We all murmur things in agreement and continue with our work.


I stare at the clock above the board in Ms. Bustier's class. Only five more minutes left.. Then we can leave. I look again to make sure it is five minutes. It feels like eternity.

"As your homework, read pages 50 to 64, and answer these questions." Ms.Bustier says, handing out question papers to everyone. She handed me two- one for Alya and one for myself. I slide Alya's towards her and sigh.

We've been growing distant lately.

I'm not sure why though.... First, she just tells me to give up on Adrien, because she thinks it won't work. Then, I see her giving Lila a thumbs up as she's walking towards him. And then, one day...

"What's wrong with you ?" I asked Alya.

"Nothing. Why ?" She replied.

"Well... First you told me to give up on Adrien. Then I see you helping Lila. What happened to you ?"

"Marinette, you don't understand. The thing is... I don't think you'll have a chance with him. You can't even speak properly in front of him. But Lila.. she's more confident. It's more likely that Adrien would give her a chance."

That's when we had a heated argument, and things got complicated between us. And... I don't know if it'll be alright.

"You may leave now." Miss Bustier announces. Finally. I stand up and make my way towards Adrien, once we're out of the class. Luckily, Chloe is no were to be seen.

'Okay, Marinette. You can do this..' I think. 'Think of him as someone other than Adrien... Let's think of him as.... Cat Noir. Well, not that I like him or anything... Thinking of Adrien as Cat Noir might boost my confidence.'

"Hey, Adrien." I casually say, trotting over to him.

"Oh, hey, Marinette." He replies, a little surprised. Course he would be. I just spoke a proper sentence in front of him, even if it is a small one.

"Would you, um, like to.. go to a movie, tonight ?" I ask.

"Sure. I'll... Meet you at the theater at 7pm ?"

"I'll be there." I say and turn on my heel, then briskly walk out of school and to my home. I practically fly up the stairs and sit down on my chair, not speaking a word all the while.

"Marinette ? Marinette !" Tikki exclaims, waving a little hand in front of my face.

"I just asked out Adrien." I mumble, earning an eye roll fro the red Kwami.

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