When Crushes Sit With Rivals (The Real Thing)

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"MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG !! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THE TIME IS NOW ?!!!" Comes my mother's voice from below. I turn over a bit, and pull my covers over me.

"Come on, mom, just five minutes... I won't be late.." I mumble.


"WHAT ?!" I have that dramatic I-sit-up-in-my-bed-fast-as-lightning moment and look at the clock. Mom was right. It is TWO minutes to nine.

I'm gonna be really late today...

Five minutes later, I reach school, dash through the entrance, run up to the classroom, stop, compose myself, quietly open the door, step inside, notice that the attendence is nearly done and am about to quietly head to my place when I hear Ms. Bustier speak.

"Ms. Cheng, I believe you were 'absent' a couple of minutes ago." She says coolly.

"Well, Miss, the thing is, I.. actually..." I stutter, fumbling around for an excuse. 

"Let me guess. You woke up late ?" Ms. Bustier says, still cool.

"Uh... Yes, ma'am." I say. 

"Let this be my last warning to you, Marinette. Go to your place, now." Ms. Bustier says, and I turn to go to my place. But, to my surprise, Alya's sitting in Adrien's place, and Adrien hasn't come yet.

I look at Alya with a questioning look and go to my seat.

"What's happening ? Why are you sitting here ? Where's Adrien ?" I ask Alya in a low voice so that Ms. Bustier can't hear us.

"It's a nice little plan by me. Adrien will come and sit beside you, and the rest is left to destiny." Alya says in a low voice.

"But, what if-" I start, but not before being interrupted by her.

"This plan is happening and you're not stopping it." She says and turns to face the board.

"Now that most of you are here.." Ms.Bustier says and gives a pointed look at the seat beside me. "And homeroom has started anyway, I'd like to introduce to you a new student who will be joining us for the rest of the year." 

Really ? Well, the last time we had a new student, it didn't turn out to be nice, with that Akuma and all. 

Ms. Bustier turns to the door and says "You may come in." to whoever is outside. And in comes...

The Rainbow haired girl whom I saw at the hotel yesterday ?

Okay, this is... I don't know how to describe it... but I better pretend like I never met her or anything... else my cover's going to be blown. (Or not)

I see her smugly waving at someone, and turn to see Alix waving back with a similar expression. My attention then shifts to Chloe whose expression changes from one of disbelief to that of rage.

"Why don't you introduce yourself ?" Ms. Bustier says to her.

"Okay.." She says and pauses for a second and looks at the ground. Then she looks up with a smile.

"I am Rainbow Dash." She says. "And I am a transfer from the USA. I like playing all sorts of outdoor games. In fcat, in my old school, I was the captain of every sports team." She concludes, and now I can see quite a lot of confidence in her.

Maybe she can outsmart Kim at sports. He isn't exactly a team guy, and is so full of himself that even if it was no-one's fault for losing a match, he'll always find someone to blame. Someone other than himself, of course.

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