Chapter Five - Let's Drink And Read

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A/N: Short chapter. But I had to write something after all this time! Enjoy and I promise better and longer chapters to come. :D


Third P.O.V.

"So... tell me," Bethany's hesitant voice trailed off as she tried to find the right words. She sat in a lopsided wooden chair in Merrill's kitchen, Libby's lithe frame across from her. The only thing separating them was the makeshift table that matched chairs. A gift from Varric. "How long were you imprisoned for...?"

Merrill and Isabella were on another run to pick up some ale from the Hanged Man since Isabella had already drank half of it before they got to her house. It was a while ago and they were going to return any minute.

So Bethany wanted to take the opportunity to try and... tamper with Libby 's locks and see what went on before they met. Was it wrong for her to feel curious?It surely wasn't nice to do, Libby deserved privacy, but Bethany was curious. If Libby truly endured much pain, surely she'd need a lot of counseling to help stay focused.

Libby paused, munching at her bottom lip. "I don't know how many years... but since I was fourteen. It was close to my birthday, so I think I turned fifteen afterwards. I don't know, I lost track." She closed her eyes and thought long and hard to find a better answer but find nothing. "I don't know what my age is now. Otherwise I'd be able to answer you better. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," Bethany smiled. "It's not your fault that you were forced into that."

"I suppose so," She smiled back, believing Bethany's words.

The door opened and Isabella strolled in, slurring on her words as she talked to Merrill.

"And the man couldn't find his penis!" She laughed.

"I don't get the joke," Merrill said innocently and sat at as much beer and ale on the table as her twig arms could carry, surprising Libby. That must've cost then both an arm and a leg. And that wasn't even it! Isabella sat way even more alcoholic beverages on the table than Merrill did. Each ale had some lid on it. Some fancy shit the Hanging Man was doing now.

"Cheers!" The intoxicated pirate grabbed one of the new ales and lifted it in the air. "To our new best friend, Libby."

A huge blush crawled up Libby's cheeks, inflaming them with a blushing fire. "Isabella..."

"To Libby," Bethany lifted her own beer in the air. "To new beginnings." She tipped her beer and let the nice warm liquid run down her guest and chin as she chugged it. Almost immediately the alcohol took its effect, clouding her mind as she became intoxicated like Isabella.

Libby didn't drink herself, but she loved watching the brightest of smiles lift on the three other girl's faces. Back at Gerad's, all she saw was the solemn and gloomy expressions from everyone. But seeing something different was refreshing for once.

"Hey!" Isabella stood up on the table, hiccupping. Her body swayed back and forth akin with the lopsided table. Libby placed one hand underneath the table so it wouldn't tip and trip her. "You'd know what'd be awesome at The Blooming Rose?! If men and woman spun on some kind of pillar on a stage half-naked!" She slurred even more with her speech.

"But... stone pillars would hurt and wooden ones would cause splinters..." Bethany said with a normal voice for an intoxicated person.

"Then we can have some kind of metal!" Isabella half-laughed, half-hiccuped. "It'd be amazing!"

Libby facepalmed and laughed at the idiocy in front of her. Never had she met someone like Isabella before. Nor had she planned to. She had an aunt that got drunk a lot, but not like this.

Isabella knelt down on the table in front of the sober elf and prodded her nose with her finger.

"I bet you'd like to see Fenris up there,"

Libby felt another blush crawl up on her cheeks anyways. Who wouldn't after being accused of seeing someone half-naked? And Fenris, of all people. He was extremely rude towards her and even threatened her back in the cave. Broody mage hater wasn't much of Libby's type.

"He's a handsome elf... with the unknowing underwear!" Isabella stumbled off the table. If Libby wasn't there, no one would have caught Isabella and prevent her from falling. She didn't expect the pirate girl to throw herself forward as if she was going fall into the arms of an invisible suiter. But Libby was there to catch her instead.

"Best not to stand on the table again, or I might not catch you next time," Libby sat her in her chair and looked over at Merrill, who was passed out on her bed with a bottle in her hand. One arm, the one with the bottle, hung over the side of the bed while the other laid on her forehead, palm up.

Bethany remained in her seat after all this time, downing her third bottle of ale.

"At least everyone is having their fun," Libby smiled, mostly to herself.

Isabella's head fell to the side and small snores emitted from her mouth.


Since Libby was gone for the night, he took the opportunity to pull his book out from under his pillow and read.

He held the book in both his hands as he lounged on the comfort of his bed. The fire was light, casting a light of illumination over one side of Fenris' face, heating it as well. The book he held was his favorite even if he could barely make-out the words. Something... about The Legendary Grey Warden who rose from commonwealth to the noblest of ranks just for one action. It was quite recently written seeing that The Grey Warden only demolished the Archdemon about three years ago. You could also tell by the cover and pages: the nearest trend of leather and paper. Both undamaged.

This was the fifth week of Garrett's and Varric's reading lessons and Fenris had to say he was becoming better. He could read some big words, but slightly and if he read them out loud. Most would think he was a mad man talking to himself of they walked into his mansion, listening to him stutter on his words.

It was Danrius' fault Fenris couldn't read. He would forever be this pawn in his former master's game.

He resumed reading to calm himself, skipping over words he couldn't read.

He didn't wear his spiked gauntlets, which made for turning the pages of his book without damaging them easy. His clothes were gone too, minus his undergarments. Today they were a light hue of gray. Isabella would love to creep her hands on that information.

He flipped the page and gradually read, taking in the words slowly and smoothly like honey. In his head, the words danced around, becoming images that would turn black and disappear whenever he couldn't read further. He decided to call quits for the night.

He stashed the book underneath his pillow twisted his body so he laid on his back. He could feel pin-like pokes from his tattoos as he drifted off into the world of unconsciousness. His green eyes shutting for rest.

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