Grimmlady to the rescue.

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They all turned around to see someone familiar but out-of-place person. He had short blue hair, all-white attire and a smug look on his face.

"Grimmjow?" Ichigo said, eyes wide.

"The one and only," Grimmjow said mildly. He looked at Ichigo and what he saw made him do a double take.

"Why the hell do you have a cat on your face?"

"You don't want to know."

"What is that you want Espada?" Toshiro asked, wondering why an espada was in the soul society.

"One I'm not a damn Espada no more." Grimmjow stated. "Second all I remember is you guys coming to Heuco Mundo, I of course, being the new ruler of Heuco Mundo challenge you and then that idiot friend of yours gave me something to drink. After that I woke up here and couldn't remember a thing."

"Did he have brown hair and this tall?" Ichigo asked, holding his hand up to how tall the missing groom is.

Grimmjow nodded. "Yeah and he kept going on about some chick name Soi-Fon"

"Does anybody else think Kuji drugs us," Ichigo asked. Everyone nodded to each other in agreement

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM!" Grimmjow roared.

 "Good luck," Ichigo said doubtfully, "someone kidnapped him."

Grimmjow snorted loudly. "Who the hell would kidnap that idiot?"

"We don't know, but we're wasting time here." Toshiro replied, his tone laced with annoyances.

"Well I'm coming with you."

"What would you gain from coming with us?" Byakuya asked, still unsure of the ex-Espada motives.

"Not like I'm doing anything better." Grimmjow said.

"Yeah Angry-chan is coming with us," Yachiru cheered happily, clutching on to his shoulder. Grimmjow frowned at the pink hair child.

"That isn't my name kid, its Grimmjow." Grimmjow corrected.

Yachiru giggled. "Same thing."

"No it's not." Grimmjow said, not backing down from a challenge.

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

The argument went on for a total of five minutes. A grown man or whatever he was considerd arguing with a child, you think he would be the bigger man, but of course not. What do you expected from man with a hole through his stomach, and a skull on his face?

Grimmjow fought down a growl. "No it's not kid, it's completely different."

"Angry-chan is funny too," Yachiru added brightly. Seeing he was getting nowhere with the child, Grimmjow just sighed in defeat.

"Good try." Kenpachi soothe patting his back. Grimmjow hung his head down in shame and went to the corner and kicked the ground, a dark cloud hovering over him..

"So this is where you guys were?" A black cat pounced in front of them.

"Yoruichi?" Ichigo said. “What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you guys."

"Well hello you sexy feline," Grimmjow purred. 

"How do you know it's a she?" Yuki asked.

"I have my ways," he purred even louder. Yoruichi didn't hear him or chose to ignore the former Espada.

"Someone wants to tell me what's going on?" Youruihi said, her eyes filled with curiosity.

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