The return of Natsumi

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Getting the uniforms was the easy part. Trying to blend in, not so much.

"This outfit is so hot and tight," Shunsui moaned.

The escapees had manage to buy some ninja clothes for disguise, but since Shunsui was  muscular and not built like a stealth squad member his outfit fitted the tightest. One would think two captain-level males should be able to take her out, but Soi-Fon was no ordinary woman. She was a feminist, and also a woman who got her heartbroken.

That's was the worse type of them all.

"It's just a little further sir." Hanaruto said amiably.

"You there," a stealth member called them stopping them in their tracks. "What are you doing here and what's your post?"

"I'll handle this," Shunsui whispered and walked towards the man.

"Sir, our post was guarding the prisoners," Shunsui said. "But Captain Soi-fon called for us."

The stealth member brought his hand to his chin in thought. "Hmm, you all don't look familiar."

"We're are new to the group," Shunsui lied. "We must go, don't want to keep the boss waiting."

They turn to leave.

"Wait!" the stealth member yelled, they froze in their tracks. "State the honor code."

Shunsui cleared his throat.

"Lady Yoruichi is the goddess of all goddess. She is beautiful, smart and graceful, something I will never be."

Long paused.

"All hail Yoruichi!" the ninja yelled saluting a picture of Yoruichi. "At ease."

What that he turned and flashed away leaving the three escapee there.

"Captain how did you know that?" Hanaruto asked in amazement.

"Its Soi-Fon," Shunsui said with a shrugged. " Wasn't that hard to figure out."

"Look there the exit," Juushiro pointed out.

The three escapees begin to run towards the exit, feeling freedom at hand. Nothing or no one could stop them from reaching the door...well maybe someone.

"So," Soi-Fon voiced boomed from behind them causing them to stop.

"C-captain Soi-Fon," Hanaruto sputtered.

"Trying to escape huh?" Soi-Fon said her tone laced with venom.

"Oi, you look beautiful today Soi-chan." Shunsui said earning a knock aside his head from the bride.


"Don't call me that!" Soi-Fon yelled, through gritted teeth. "You were trying to escape!"

"Soi-Fon, you can't lock us up," Juushiro intervened, Soi-Fon eyebrow shot up.

"Why not?"

"Because we haven't did anything wrong, and its against the law to lock up innocent people," Juushiro reasoned.

Soi-Fon smirked. "None of you are innocent for your injustice to women."

"How can you say that? Do you have any proof?"

Soi-Fon smiled wickedly and pulled out a TV and a old battered VCR. She grabbed a tape from inside here kimono and inserted into the VCR. The first clip shows Shunsui harassing a woman which in turns earned him a smack across the face.

"Oi, that's nothing new," Shunsui admitted, rubbing the side of his face in remembrance.

The next clip showed poor old Hanaruto stumbling into the women's bathroom.

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