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I woke up dazed. It was difficult for me to grasp my surroundings, but there were a few things I quickly discovered. The metallic tray I sat on was frigid, causing my entire body to run cold. I still wore my dress, which was the worst component of this situation apart from being held captive.

I pulled my knees up to my chest. Not just for warmth, but because I was terrified. As I came to, I began to become more aware of the cell that enclosed me. It was small, and from the looks of it there were no guards around. In fact there was no one around. I was cold and completely alone.

I wondered when someone would appear, and I shivered at the thought of what might happen when they did. I can't believe how blind I had been to how vulnerable I really was. If I hadn't been captured I think I would've been able to appreciate the brilliance of this plan.

Everyone would expect the kidnapping of a Separatist King, not his daughter. Nonetheless, this was a low blow, a move of desperation, and I could see how my Father could so strongly despise the Republic.

I was pulled from my thoughts at the sound of footsteps. My body told me to spring forward and see what was happening, but my brain reminded me to keep my composure.

A man approached the cell. He was tall, and his hair was longer. I waited for him to say something, but he didn't. "Hello." I spoke up politely, my teeth chattering as I did. "Are you cold?" He asked. I nodded. "I can try to get you a blanket. Or at least have them turn up the temperature." He offered. I debated requesting a different set of clothing, but I didn't want to push my limits. "Thank you." I said, bowing my head in appreciation.

I was puzzled by his kindness, but I wouldn't complain. "May I ask you a few questions, princess?" the man interposed. "You can, but please address me as Nola. I hate the title." I admit. "Well you can call me Anakin." He said, the corners of his lips turning upward into a devilish smile.

I wanted to smile back, but I don't. I nod indicating he may proceed with the questioning. "Is King Drayson planning any attacks on the Republic?" He asked. "They don't really tell me those things. I'm not sure, but I don't think so." I answered. "Has your Father been acting more distant lately? Going to more meetings? Possibly like he's planning something?" Anakin prompted. I shook my head. "No more than usual."

"How often is usually?" I could tell he was starting to grow impatient. "When I'm not at events with my Father I'm lucky to see him at dinner." I said with a frown. "How many soilders do you have within the palace?" he continued. "I'm not sure. We only have droids here and there. Typically with my Father or guarding entrances." I explain.

Anakin let out a long sigh of frustration. "How many entrances to the palace are there? Is there any we don't know about?" I had to stop and think for a moment. "There's three. The main entrance, the one leading in from the Gardens, and our private hangar." I revealed.

Anakin was now pacing, and I got the hint that none of that was new information. "You have to know something! Anything!" He shouted. "I'm sorry I-"

I couldn't finish my sentence it felt like my brain was being ripped apart. I gasped in agony, gripping my head. Irrelevant memories came to the forefront of my mind.

I thought of lurking in the shadows of our humble home when my Father met with Count Dooku for the first time. I recalled my first flying lesson with my Uncle smiling at how well I was doing. The day Father gained total control over Alaspin came to mind. I remembered the day I received the news of my Mother's death. I don't remember her, but I feel the grief that consumed me that day. Loneliness and misery overwhelm my senses and consume my thoughts.

The torment became to much. "Stop! Stop please!" I cried out. Tears poured down my cheeks, and I shook in pain. I backed up into the corner, as if that would help me hide from Anakin. He rushed as close to me as the barrier would allow. The only sound was my heavy breathing.

"I'm sorry about your mother." Anakin finally spoke. I said nothing.

Out of all the things he chose to apologize for it was my mother? He didn't even think to apologize for invading my thoughts, my memories, my feelings?

"I didn't mean to take things that far. Really I didn't think you would start crying. I didn't know! I really didn't." He insisted, his voice sounding the slightest bit desperate. I remained quiet.


No response.


Anakin stood up, and took heavy steps out of the room.

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