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I was still cold. At this point I wasn't scared anymore, I was mad. It felt like I had been here for days, though it might've only been for a night or even a few hours. There was a man who would bring food in every now and then, and take out my old, untouched tray.

Anakin came in again. His tall and dark figure was contrasted by the light behind him. I didn't talk to him. But I didn't want him to probe my mind again, so I became torn. But I honestly didn't know a thing. I was only used for the "fun" aspects of politics.

"You should eat." He finally said, sitting down outside of the barrier.

"You should check the heating system." I said back.

"Sorry, about that." He rubbed his neck.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"A Republic cruiser." He said.

"Which one?" I pushed.

"I can't say." He said. I wanted to push again but there was nothing else I needed to say. I had no way of contacting anyone, so even if I did know I'd have no way of telling someone.

"Why are you here? I told you I don't know anything." I frowned. I held my knees to my chest, this white and itchy dress not helping my comfort.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just want to talk." He said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk to you." I said politely.

"Oh.." He looked at me, "Do you want a change of clothes? You don't look very comfortable." He filled the awkward silence. I only nodded in response. He left, and a few minutes later returned with a gray tunic and a gray pair of sweat pants, on top was a jogan fruit.

"Sorry it looks so much like prison wear." He muttered, handing it to me through the bars.

"That's what I am, aren't I?" I shrugged.

"You're a what?" He questioned.

"A prisoner." I grabbed the garments and placed them next to me, I couldn't change with him here.

"You don't have to be." He said. I looked up at him.

"Are you letting me go?" I asked, hopeful to go home.

"Well.. No.. I can't do that." He said. I involuntarily rolled my eyes to myself and sat back down, but this time close to the barrier.

"Then it looks like I'm a prisoner." I said.

"Why do you want to go back so bad?" He asked, "Alaspin is full of people who hate you."

"But it's home. " I stopped him, "You Jedi don't get it. You've never had a home like I do." I said.

"I did." He sat down close to the barrier as well.

"What do you mean? You guys are raised from birth aren't you?" I crossed my arms.

"Usually. I was found much later." He said.

"Oh." I sat corrected, "Where are you from?"

"Tantooine." He said, his face seemingly unfazed but his blue eyes suggested an inner cringe.

"I've flown there before, it's very warm there." I understated. He laughed to himself.

"Only a little." He said, "You've flown there?"

"Yes." I smiled, thinking of myself flying.

"I thought you were only a princess." He teased.

"Princess by default, pilot by choice." I said, I was dazed by the fact of actually talking to someone who listened. In the kingdom I really only had one friend beside my father. It got lonely.

"I'm actually quite the pilot myself." He smiled at our common interest.

"Really?" I felt my eyes brighten, "I've always loved flying. My uncle taught me when I was 10, and I've wanted to be a pilot ever since then." I told him, "My father doesn't really let me fly anymore, too dangerous, he says. I'm sure if I go back he'll say speaking is too dangerous too, thanks for that." I said.

"Sorry." He said.

"No, like, really thank you. I hated speeches. 9/10 of them weren't even mine." I told him.

"Oh, well then you're welcome." He chuckled. I didn't know what to say next. We stared at each other for a little bit.

"Am I ever going to go home?" I asked, suddenly.

"It's not up to me." He said, sadly, "The Republic still needs you. We won't hurt you, I promise."

"You already broke that the last time you were here.." I mumbled. But he heard it.

"I just lost my temper. It won't happen again. That wasn't right what I did to you. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you in here." He said. His eyes seemed so reassuring. They were much calmer than the ones I was first met with.

"Okay." I said, he went to get up but I reached to grab his arm, "Please believe me, I have told you all I know."

"I know. What I still don't understand is why you want to go back there?" He urged.

"Well, my father is probably worried." I shrugged.

"Your father is using you, Nola. He's been gaining power for his own benefit. He uses you to gain sympathy for him." He sat back down. I shook my head.

"My father cares about me." I clenched my jaw.

"He's been manipulating you. You're a good person, I can feel it. Why can't you see that your father has only pushed to take away your peoples rights." He said, but I didn't want to hear it. He couldn't be right.

"He has been helping getting scum off of Alaspin, he's been helping people!" I defended.

"No, Nola! He's been selling these people into slavery! He's been brutally treating people for minor crimes!" He argued. I didn't know any of this.

"He's not!" A tear threatened my eye, "You don't have any proof. He's not. You're a liar! All of you Jedi and the Republic senate are liars! My father would never!" I said.

"I am not lying. Your father and Alaspin's king has been brutally treating them. Why do you think those people hate him, Nola? They need help!" He said, but I had already tuned him out, "Nola, people on your home have been dying unreasonably. It doesnt have to be that way."

Silly me, I thought I could have a conversation with him. All he wanted was to confuse my Father of things to confuse me.

"My mother also died because those criminals were able to run around without consequence." I muttered, turning away and back to my corner.

"But killing and selling people is not the way to fill that void of your mother." Anakin said, but I clocked out. It was enough for me.

"Please, go." I demanded.

"Sure thing, princess."

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