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    Yo all you crazy reading peoples out there! Before you officially start, remember, dis book is co-authored (sort of).  This story is shared with...atlantacollins, and bbauthor2. Remember it is shared, so I'm not the one taking all the credit for it, but when all else fails, will turn out to be the scape goat. All three of us have a character that we each write in the first person POV. So HAHA! On all of you silly peoples that don't know which is who!...but you'll probubly find out anyway by gusseing or by simply asking one of us...So please don't turn me into a goat, because I have quite a lot of people ridding on the fact that I am still semi-human, and not a goat.

                                                                               Thank you! And enjoy reading...

                                                   ...but if you don't, I hope you despise it to your fullest capacity! : )

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