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It's been a long time since the monsters were released. Sans was 3 and Papyrus wouldn't be born for the next 7 years. Gaster was holding his magic until he was ready, since Sans and Papyryus didn't have any real parents. Toriel decided to stay in the ruins, but no one has seen her since. That was twenty-four years ago. Three years ago, a  miracle  made Sans the Skeleton, Sans Anderson. No one actually knows how, except for Sans and maybe Gaster.  Papyrus died 4 years ago at the age of 12, February 12, of a virus that corrupted his soul, made his blood black, made him lose the ability to use his legs, and eventually, made him lose his life. It was a tough couple of weeks for your cousin Sans. He wouldn't leave his room since it had a bathroom in it, except once a week he left to go to the kitchen, get a bottle of ketchup from the refrigerator, and go back into his room. April came and we decided to adobt a 2 year old named Chelsea. We didn't want to replace Papyrus, no, we just wanted to see Sans smile again. And after 3 days, it worked. He was laughing, punning and being his jolly old self, when he wasn't alone. But when he was, well, let's just say we all knew he was playing an act. A year had passed and Sans one day came out of the house and wasn't seen again for three weeks. People rumored that he committed suicide. You didn't want to believe he'd be that stupid, but you were still concerned. Everyday you would spend two hours searching for him. During the third week as you were heading out, you saw someone walk up to the door and pulled out a key. And he looked like... Sans. That was too much for you. You fell to the floor and burst into tears. He comforted you. He even acted like Sans too. He had no magic, skin, curly caramel hair, and eyes the color of the night sky. You asked his name and he replied saying, "very funny Saf. Its your favorite cousin Sans. I'm a human now." He smiled and made a pun. It was true. You ran all over town and told the news. He was gladly welcomed. And he was happy. For real this time. Life was perfect. He had a younger sister at the age of 6 and a loving family including you, his favorite and only cousin, the one he turns to for everything. So what would happen if someone took a piece of this perfect world? Would Sans crumble again? And would this time be for good?

The vid has nothing to do with this its just hilarious.

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