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This one-shot has nothing to do with the story itself.

Your opinion of Sans was a little complicated. He was annoying, sure, but he had his moments. He can be pretty adorable at times, but you weren't attracted to him. Just because he can be cute doesn't mean you want to date him. So when your science teacher, Dr. Alphys, decided that for the experiment for survival where you would be trapped in the middle of the woods for a week away from society he would be your partner, you were not sure how to feel. *gritting your teeth is bold italics*You were pretty sure she just did it for some imaginary OTP between the two of you though.

A whole week trapped in the wilderness with nothing but the wilderness and Sans. Great.

"Hey, you staring into space."

"I guess you can say I'm a star."

"Puns are my thing you ball of annoying."

"Nice. Reeeeal nice."

He rolls his eyelights.

"If we are going to be here for a week, we need to get along."

"It takes two to tango."

"Toucan play at that game."

"Swan- derful (sounds like - tis wonderful)"

~time skip to night time~

"Hey............... Don't.......come over here.......ok?"

He sounded ..........worried(?!?) ...........when he said he this.

"Why? Gonna do something nasty?"

"NO. Ugh, just forget it."

"Fine, I'll just sleep outside."


To be honest, you wish an argument started so you could stall your sleep. The monsters are free, but you aren't. Your dad was an abusive drunk, and he doesn't drink anything but beer and vodka.

You would have ran waaaaay before that Frisk kid if he hadn't chained you to a wall for a week and fed you nothing but half eaten pizza crusts once a day. He whipped you nonstop. And when your mother, the only person who cared about you, tried to stop him, he killed her right in front of you. He left the body there in front of you and when he woke up the next morning, he blamed it on you and gave you hell.

You still get nightmares, and that was three years ago.

You see, what happened was that when the monsters were released, your dad was un-chaining you and he looked up, distracted.

So you booked it. Right now, you live with a motherly monster, Sabrina, who became really close to this monster named Toriel. They are like, mom besties or something.

She's also taken interest into Asgore, and you thought that was adorable.

But, the nightmares never left.

And tonight, they were too vivid to describe.


You jolt up, screaming. The minute you get up you bite your tongue, not wanting to wake Sans.

No one needs to know.

[Sansxreader] A Whole New World *UNDERREVISION*Where stories live. Discover now