Chapter 14

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"I'm incredibly jealous. I've missed Paris so much," Viktor murmurs beside me, clutching my hand. I smile, passport tight between my polished fingers.

"We should take a weekend over there one of these weeks together."

"Yeah, since you're on a break from the office, we've definitely both got the time."

"Hey- I'm still modeling, aren't I? I'm not completely useless."

He kisses my mouth softly, nodding. "I want you to take my advice."


"Have fun... Let go for this trip. I know- I know things haven't been the same since- but you deserve to live your life happily, Iris... Alright?"

I nod, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I know."

"Which reminds me... Royce called to say to make sure you call him when you arrive."

"He's so damn needy sometimes."

"Well you've been seeing him for three months now- I'm sure he's just trying to keep you interested."

"How can I be interested when all he talks about is his damn book?"

Viktor chuckles, leaning his head against my shoulder. "Stop being so grumpy. The guy is head over heels for you."

I stare out the window and immediately feel bad. "I know. I'm just being a bitch- as usual."

"You could never be a bitch. Bitchy- but never a bitch."

I chuckle, leaning my head back against the rest. "I love you."

"I love you too, honey."


"Amelia!" I exclaim, seeing her waiting with a sign at the bottom of the escalator. I make my way down the crowds of people with luggage's, smiling wide.

"Iris!" Her blonde hair shines from the gleams of sun coming in through the large windows of the airport. I've been flying all day- dead tired but so incredibly happy to see her finally. I haven't had the time in years.

She used to model with me for Vogue. We were inseparable going into our twenties. She's getting married in two days and asked me to be a bridesmaid.

I rush into her, giggling happily. "God, I've fucking missed your face."

"Same here! We're going for dinner! I want you to meet Henri."

"I can't wait," I murmur, rolling my luggage forward, entwining my arm with hers. "You look amazing."

"Thank you- I'm on a new diet."

I look at her, smirking. "For once, I'm not. I'm going to enjoy this trip."

"What better place to cheat a diet than Paris, right?"

"Exactly... The dress is ready. Tomorrow, we can get you fitted and all. It will be perfect."

"I'm indebted to you for making one for me- especially since you're on a break."

"It was my pleasure, honey."

She reaches into her pocket, removing an envelope. "And of course I want to reimburse you for it."

"Put it back. It's my wedding present, Amel."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

She kisses my cheek, having to rise up on her tiptoes to do it. "I love you dearly."

"Me too."


I deposit my bags into my hotel room, now alone. I slide the gold bracelet off of my arm, grimacing slightly at it's tightness. Cooled champagne is settled on cubes of ice beside me on what I'm sure is an antique table. I find myself staring at it, feeling even more alone since I know there will be no one to enjoy this with me.

I swipe open the green dash on my phone, knowing I got a text from Viktor on the way back from the restaurant.

Enjoy yourself, that's an order! Love you.

I smile, chuckling to myself in the emptiness of my hotel room. I scroll down, seeing Royce's name and press down, dialing. A sigh escapes my lips as I hold the phone up to my ear.

"Hey babe," he murmurs happily. "I was beginning to worry."

"I'm sorry, I completely spaced... We had dinner- I met Henri finally."

"Was he as amazing as she made him out to be on Skype?"

"Even more so- he's really smitten. It's great to see." I look down at my stilettos against the carpet, pressing my lips together.

"You see it everyday- I'm rather smitten with you, Miss Tremaine."

I smile softly. "... Me too."

"You still haven't given me an answer you know... It's hard for my ego to wait," he murmurs, chuckling.

My mind thinks of the large, rather expensive ring sitting on the table in my house. He proposed not even two days ago and I froze- told him I'd think about it.

"I need time to think about it, Royce," I whisper softly.

"What do you need to think about? I love you. I can make you happy."

I gape slightly, wanting to explain the deafening fact that I do not love him. He knows I don't too, which is the nerve-racking part. I can't help but feel like he's trying to trap me.

"Is it because of him?"

My eyes close tightly and I stand up frustration. "Don't."

"I know you still think about him- whoever he is- but it's been a year, honey. He's not here. I am and I love you. I know I can make you love me."

"We barely know each other, Royce. I feel like you're pressuring me!"

"Then, just-just let me get to know you!"

I remain quiet and stare out of the large window, seeing the Eiffel tower lit spectacularly outside. "I will have an answer for you when I am good and ready, Royce. I will not be pressured into marriage. I know you're a good man and I know you're doing this because you care about me, but you cannot force me to make this decision. Alright?"

I hear silence on the other end and it speaks volumes. He knows I'm pulling away and he's scared.

"I'll-I'll call you in the morning, okay?" I whisper, running a hand through my hair.


"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Iris." 

A/N: Double update todayyyyyyy.

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