Anthony Padilla (for Jenny)

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You could barely hear what he was slurring into your ear over the loud music, but you knew he was just being sleazy. 

"You're so hot," you could hear slightly muffled, but the music was too loud, it could have been anything. You put your hand on his chest and push him away slightly, giving him a nice smile which said 'thanks but no thanks'. 

He grabbed your hand and ceased it against his chest. You struggled to move your hand from his grip, but he held firmly as he moved his hand down and over his crotch. 

With rapid movement now, you attempted to remove your hand from his vice like grip, but it wouldn't move. 

"Hey!" you heard just above the music. A tall man with brown, sleak hair squared the man harrassing you, forcing him to remove his grip from your hand. "Are you bothering this girl?" he asked, pushing the man away with his arms. You focused on his biceps as he did so; they were so muscley. 

The man walked away, not before forcing his middle finger in the new mans face and giving you a filthy look as he did so. 

The sleak brown haired man turned to you, and gave a nice smile. "The names Anthony," he said, smoothly taking a seat beside you. 

You laughed and took your drink off the bar top. "Jenny," you said, "and thank-you." 

A song flashed on that you remembered from your childhood and a smile beamed across your face. He noticed this and questioned it. 

Laughing at the cheesiness, he invited you to dance, which you accepted. 

It wasn't long until you were both back at his place. 

Slamming the door shut behind him, he threw his coat on the floor and gave you a mischevious smile; a sexy smile. He took a step towards you and pushed you against the wall. His hands ran down the front of your body as his mouth slammed against yours. You let out a quiet whimper and he smiled. 

His lips moved from your lips to your neck. He started off gentle but then he began using his teeth, biting slightly as he sucked at your neck. Another whimper escaped your mouth and your fingertips began to tingle slightly with excitement. You placed your hands on his cheeks and brought his face back up to yours. You bit your lip which only made him push his lips against yours even harder. You felt his tongue linger outside your mouth and you granted it access, moving your tongue with his. 

He pulled away from the kiss and pulled you towards his bed, undoing his belt with his one free hand as he did so. You slid off your shoes and sat on the bed, watching as he removed his trousers and stood in front of you, now in only a shirt and boxers. 

You laid on your back and he straddled you, placing both his knees either side of your waist. You placed your fingers at the seam of his top and started to pull it up, revealing his muscular body. Throwing it on the ground, you saw Anthony's develish smile return as his head sunk down to near your crotch. He teased you quickly by licking just above the top of your jeans, then using his teeth, he bit the bottom of your top and pulled it up and over your breasts, leaving you to pull the rest up and over your head. He moved his body back up and placed his lips back against yours, weaving his tongue in and out. 

You started fumbling around at the top of you jeans and pulled them down, lifting your hips as you did so, rubbing your crotch against his; you could feel he was on show. 

Then he pulled down his boxers and used his teeth again to pull down your knickers. You let out whimpers as his tongue explored various areas around your crotch.  In the heat of the moment, you felt him slide inside you. It didn't take long for you to reach your climax. 

You shouted his name as you did so and he mimicked you. "Oh Jenny!" he shouted, laughing at you. You both smiled as he began to slow down. He pulled out and laid down beside you. You both gazed into eachothers eyes for a moment before you rested your head on his chest and smiled. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


So, this was for SmosherBeatles.. I'm sorry if it's not good, I've never written any sex scene before.. I hope it was atleast decent.. I don't know. Anyway! 

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