Chris Demarais (for Chloe)

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It was nearly mid-day. You had already fueled yourself with some alcohol and your head was starting to feel a bit dizzy; though this was always a regular thing in the Roosterteeth offices. 

"Yo!" Burnie shouted through the door, a bottle of Stella in his hand (as usual). "Podcast," he said, though his statement was more of a question.

You shook your head in reply and pointed towards your computer. "I've got so much editing still," you said, your face a little disappointed.

"Oh c'mon, Chloe," Burnie said pleadingly, "You haven't done a podcast in weeks!" His tone was quite persuasive but you knew this work was very important. It was the new RT Life which you had been putting off editing for a while, and if you put it off for much longer, you'd never get round to doing it. 

"Maybe I'll stop by and watch a bit later," you smiled, as Burnie's eyes lit up and he chuckled under his breathe.

"I'm sure you will," he winked, and his eyes darted over to a picture of Chris on a desk in your office. Your cheeks burnt red and Burnie walked out the door.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Finally, you thought, rendering the final copy of the RT Life video. You looked up at the clock; it had only just turned 1:00. You pulled a cardigan over your shoulders and made your way over to the podcast set. From a few doors away you could already hear Gavin's laugh radiating around the room. You stood behind the cameras and watched on listening to their conversation. 

"So what you're saying," Burnie started, as both himself and Gavin were struggling for air, "Is that you will only date a girl if she's not prone to fainting?" You didn't really want to know where this conversation began but knowing Gavin, it was going to involve something sexual. 

"Well you know," Gavin coughed, clearing his throat, "Don't want her falling asleep halfway throu-"

"Gavin!" Burnie and Chris chorused, whilst Gavin laughed, choking down his bottle of Stella. 

"I actually kind of like someone at the moment," Chris muttered, looking sideways at Burnie. Your heart jumped. 

"Go on," Gus prompted smiling at Chris. Chris' face turned a solid shade of crimson and he laughed, nervously. 

"You don't know her," he snapped, "So it doesn't matter, does it!" You felt your cheeks drop from the smile that was once there and your lip hovered open in shock. With a choke, you walked away from the set, your pace quickening with each step. A single tear rolled down your face and you wiped it away with the back of your hand.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

You ran back to your office and slammed the door shut. A mix of emotions flooded your head and your heart was still racing from the moment he let slip that they wouldn't have known who he liked. That means it isn't me, you thought, fighting back tears. You knew that any relationship with Chris would be purely unproffesional, but look at Michael and Lindsay and how happy they are

There was a knock at the door and with hesitation you shouted "Come in!" You grabbed a tissue from your desk and dabbed your eyes gently, then you slowly turned and looked towards the door. You paused and gazed up, meeting your eyes with his.

"I saw you walking away.." Chris started, closing the door behind him, "What's wrong?"

You took a step back and rested against your desk. "Why aren't you recording the podcast?" you ask, a lonesome tear escaping your eye as you looked at him. 

"I had to see if you were alright," he smiled, taking a step closer to you. You raised the tissue back up to your face to wipe your eyes but Chris caught your wrist and used his thumb to wipe away your escaping tear. The corners of his mouth curved more so on one side and he laughed a quiet affectionate laugh.  "So what's wrong?" he asked. He was stood just ahead of you, so close that you could feel his warm breathe against your cheek as he spoke. 

"I just.." you start, the lump in your throat returning, "I heard you say something in the podcast."

He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly in confusion. "What did I say?" He noticed that your eyes were beginning to well up again and he rested a hand on your shoulder, caressing it softly with his fingers. 

"That you like someone.." you managed to say, before the lump in your throat made your voice crack and the tears in your eyes rolled dawn your rosy cheeks. 

"Oh," Chris muttered, raising his hand to his forehead and massaging it with the tips of his fingers, "You heard that did you?"

You knodded, watching as he clearly looked disappointed. He turned away from you and asked quietly "What exactly did you hear?" His voice seemed really serious which frightened you slightly.

"That Gav and the others don't know her," you mumbled, managing somehow to hold the tears back.

He turned and faced you again, his forehead creasing with surprise. "That's all you heard?" he asked, a tint of laughter in his voice. You knod again, but this time an expression of confusion envelopes your face. He laughed before he walked closer to you once more. "So you didn't hear me say that was a lie?" he asked, as you shook your head. "You didn't hear me say that the person I loved actually worked here with me in the building?" You shook your head once more, and your eyes widened. There was a small pain in your stomach; but it was a good pain. "So," he almost whispered, his voice was so gentle. He stook a step closer to you once more and moved a strand of hair away from your face, "You didn't hear me say 'I need to go because the person I love just walked away from me'?" 

His other hand brushed past your neck as his played with your hair, slowly bringing your face closer to his. You shook your head again, but realised his eyes were closed. It was me, you thought as you moved your face closer to his. You felt his lips against yours for a second before he pulled slightly away and tilted his head to lock his lips with yours properly. His chest brushed against you as you took a step backwards and felt yourself being pushed against the front of your desk. You could feel your cheek burning again, but you didn't really notice under the overwhelming emotion being carried through by Chris' kiss. 

He pulled away for a final time, his hand still supporting your neck. "You didn't hear me say the person I loved was you?" he smirked. You smiled with him and shook your head. He laughed and stroked your forehead with his thumb. "Well," he mumbled, his face still very close to yours, "I love you, Chloe." 

Your cheeks burnt crimson again and a laughed escaped under your breathe. "I love you, too."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Okay! So this was for AwesomeTisChloe! If you haven't checked out her profile, go do so now! She's the reason I did this YouTuber request thing in the first place and she's a very good writer! (She's currently writing me one about Gavin which is just oh my god!)

So, sorry it's pretty damn long Chloe! I got into it a lot for some reason! Hope you liked it and stuff :) Erm, yeah!

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