Derek << Beautiful Mistakes

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- Unknown pov - 7 Years ago -
I'm pregnant. This can't be. It was a one night thing and now I'm going to have a kid with someone I don't even know. This is why you don't go to party's and get drunk at 16. dam it.
- Your pov- Present
"Derek we have to go it's my nephews party." You say trying to get Derek out of bed. You were both 22 and have been together for 6 and a half years. Your brothers son is having his 5th birthday party today, and he really wants you and Derek there.

"Can't we be late, we went to bed at like 2 am."  He puts the blanket over his face.

"No now let's go." You  pull the blanket off.

"Your lucky I love you." He gets up to kiss you. You push his mouth away. His face looks shocked. You wave your finger.

"You sour wolf have morning breath." You laughed.

"Can't argue that." He got up to get ready. As he got ready you wrapped your nephews present and put it by the door.

"Ok ready to go." Derek comes downstairs. You nod and walk out to the car. You just bought a brand new Lamborghini. Great for speeding away from supernatural objects.  "Where's this party at?"

"The park by their house."  He nods and you drive off in the car. After and hour of traffic and repeats of songs that were absolutely terrible you arrived at the park. You got out of the car and everyone stared. Your Nefew ran to you.

"Auntie Y/N your here." He hugged your knees. "And Uncle Derek!" He left you and ran to Derek. Derek picked him up and swung him around like a plane.

"Hey buddy how are you!" Derek puts him on top of his shoulders.

"He would be great with kids you know, I wish you would have some already at least one." Your brother says greeting you.

"He would but he's never said anything so I've never Mentioned it." You just smile. "Plus we are happy the way we are right now maybe in a few years." You just laugh. "So where do the presents go?"

"Over there." He pointed. you walked over and signaled for Derek to come over.

"What's up?"  He asked you attaching his hand to yours.

"You having fun over there." You pointed to your nefew on the playground. He was the only kid from your family so far because you were early. He was playing with another kid on the playground. "Yea he's a great kid." He smiles looking at him. "I'm going to go help him on the monkey bars so he doesn't fall." He says jogging to him.  He really did look happy with a kid to look after.
- Derek's pov -
I chased Y/N/N over to the playground. I want to have a kid I just don't know how Y/N feels about it so I spend as much time as I can with this little guy as I can. Jogging over to him I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder. "You ready to go on the monkey bars" I ask picking him up. Then the friend he was playing with came up and asked if I could  help him to. "Is it ok if I ask your mom first to make sure it's ok with her?" You asked the little boy. He had to be around 6 or 7 years old.

"yes my mamas over there." He pointed to his mom and took me over there. It couldn't be. He dragged to a lady I met 7 years ago at a bar.  "Mama can this guy help me on the monkey bars?" Her jaw dropped.

"Why don't you go play with your new friend so I can talk to this guy." She said smiling at her child. He nods and ran to play with Y/N/N. "Derek right" she asks me.

"Yes and it's Jenna correct?" She nodded her head.

"So umm nice seeing you here." I said awkwardly.

"Yes same." She scratches the back of her neck.  "Derek."

"Uh yeah." I again answer nodding my head.

"I don't know how else to tell you this so I'm just going to tell you. That little boy over there is yours." My jaw dropped.

"He's 7 isn't he."

"Yup." She immediately answers back.

"Well than." You look at your feet. "Give me a minute. I walk over to Y/N. "Please follow me." She looks at me with a wide smile.

"Ok." I lead her to Jenna.

"Jenna this is my girlfriend Y/N." I pointed to each of them. "Baby this is Jenna."
- Your pov -
I put my hand out. "Nice to meet you Jenna." You shake her hand. "Derek is this an old friend of yours?" You smile.

"Well kinda." He oddly answers. "I met her 7 years ago at a bar down in London, and we may or may not have produced that little boy over there playing with Y/N/N." You were confused but oddly ok with it.

"Okay." The smile leaves your face but you still grin. "So did you guys ever having feels for each other or--."

"No it was an accident." Jenna quickly answers.

"He's a beautiful accident." You smile. Why did you just say that? It was getting awkward really fast. "So do you live around here?" Derek just looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Yes we just moved here actually." She smiles nodding her head. "Do you?"

"No we live up in beacon hills a hour away." You explain to her. "It's my Nephews birthday today."

"Oh okay, where your car at we parked right over there." She drove a silver Toyota Camery.

"That one." You pointed to your car. Her jaw dropped she had an awed face.

"Well than." She shakes her head.  "I know right nows probably not the right time to ask but he has a doctors appointment that he need to go to, would you like my number so that you could maybe see him every once and a while?" She ask you and Derek. You nod your head at Derek.

"Yes please." He takes her number.

"Nice meeting you Y/N and nice to see you Derek." She gets her son and leaves them both waving bye.

"Are you mad?" Were the first words out of Derek's mouth.

"No." You stated.

"I'm sorry I'm such and idiot--wait what?" He paused.

"I'm not mad Derek your half human you make human mistakes." You smile at him and snuggle close to him.

"Would you mind if I started seeing him?" He asked. "Maybe a few times a month?"

"I wouldn't mind if he lived with us half the time."  You kiss him on the cheek. "Derek there's something I have to tell you."

"Are you pregnant?"

"No no, but eventually I want to have kids with you." You looks at the floor.

"Y/N me to I was just afraid you didn't want any that's why I never said anything, this is a good thing." You nod your head. "We can raise your son, and have a kid of our own, we'll have the perfect little family."

"That would be perfect." He smiles and kisses your forehead. "I love you, thanks for being the way you are."

"I love you to." You say walking back to your Nephews party.

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