16: Cream, Fettuccine, & Harry Styles

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It was the smell that drove me downstairs.

I felt as if I had stepped out of the bathroom and right into an Italian restaurant. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now. My stomach grumbled and all I could do was stand at the staircase and inhale heavenly. Gosh, it smelt beautiful. It was driving me nuts.

"Are you just going to stand there like an idiot?" A deep voice breaks me out of my trance. I clear my throat, adjusting my black tank top and stepping into the kitchen. Harry was standing by the stove, smirking at me. He had put on a pair of sweatpants but was still shirtless. I try to ignore it, walking over to stand over the stove.

"Mmm," I inhale, closing my eyes for a second. "Pasta?"

"Yeah," Harry informs me quite proudly. "Fettuccini Carbonara. My best." I look up at him, nodding and smiling.

"I'm impressed. Smells lovely." I compliment.

Harry grins, both his dimples showing. "Really?"

"Most definitely." I reach over and poke his bottom right nipple, chuckling as I change the subject. "I never understood your extra nipples."

Harry crosses out, faking offense. "Is there a problem with my nipples?"

"No, no." I say quickly. "They're actually kind of cute."

Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Did I just say that aloud? I can't believe I just said that. Oh gosh, how humiliating. I don't even fancy him! So why did I say that?

Harry raises an eyebrow, a tiny smile curving on his lips. I look down, flushing furiously. Oh, my God.

"Cute?" Harry chuckles. "You think they're cute?"

"Well, I-I think- I just..." A search for the right words. "They're just so small... and... small things are... cute." Horrible save, I think mentally. Massively horrid. What am I thinking? I should just go crawl in a hole and stay there for all of eternity.

Harry laughs, tossing his curls out of his face. "You're a horrid liar." I frown, walking over to the freezer and prying it open. Harry just watches me, a look of confusion on his face. Did he just call me a liar? Okay, maybe I am but I will not tolerate being called a liar. I grab the can of whipped cream that was sitting on the door, taking off the top and throwing it aside.

"Amber, what are you-" Harry begins to say but I cut him off, aiming the whipped cream towards him and pressing down on the top. The cold, white cream sprays out all over Harry's face and stomach. The look on his face was just priceless. His eyes were wide, his hands attempting to block the oncoming cream but failing immensely. Smirking, I release my finger on the can, holding it down.

"I am not a liar."

Harry's gaping at me, wiping whipped cream off his eyes and hair. "I can't believe you did that."

"But I did." I stick out my tongue, teasing him. "And there's nothing you can do about it." A glint of mischief appears in Harry's green eyes and I instantly regret my words. He's taking steps towards me now, a smirk falling on his lips. I gulp, stepping backwards.

"Harry, I'm sorry. Please don't-" While I thought he was going to attempt taking the can from me, I was wrong. Harry wraps his arms around my waist as I scream, the whipped cream on his body sticking to my clothes.

"HAROLD!!" I scream, trying to pry him off me. It's no use. His arms are strongly wrapping around my waist, his laughter echoing in my ear. I feel him lift me off the ground as I continue to squirm, screaming for him to get off me.

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