1: Parties, Food, & Harry Styles

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5 years later

- Amber -

"I can't believe you got the lead in Searching for Prince Charming!" My best friend Carly exclaims as I tell her my latest update.

"I didn't get the lead." I point out. "The script was written for me. The part was mine either way."

Carly rolls her eyes, bumping my shoulder. "It's still exciting! Who's playing Prince Charming?"

"I don't know yet." I shrug. "I should be finding out soon."

Carly claps her hands together, making a face of absolute excitement. "It should be Zac Efron! Oh, or Ian Somerhalder!" She sighs lovingly. "I just love Ian Somerhalder."

I throw my head back and laugh. It would be nice if Ian played Prince Charming, but that's a dream that will never come to fruition much to Carly's disappointment. 

I reach over and I knock on the small window that separates us from the limo driver. "Can you blast the radio, please?" I ask him nicely.

"Of course, Miss Skywood." He flashes me a smile in the rearview mirror and hurries to turn on the radio.

"...baby, you light up my world like nobody else..." The radio begins to play and I immediately regret my decision. 

"Nevermind!" I change my mind. "I like it quiet."

"Sure thing, Miss Skywood." The driver nods while turning off the radio, no questions asked.

I lean back in the seat, releasing a sigh. Can't I listen to the radio without hearing his annoying voice?

"I'll never understand why you don't like One Direction." Carly is shaking her head. "They're a bunch of sweet, talented, hot men, and they're from England like you! You should like their music."

"It's complicated." I mutter as the limo comes to a stop. 

"How complicated?" Carly asks.

"Something I never want to talk about, much less remember, complicated." I answer her while pushing the door open. As much as I want to tell Carly my reasoning, it's a sensitive subject. I'd rather keep it deep, deep in the past.

Flashes of paparazzi light suddenly surround me, forcing me to squint. Doing my best to ignore them, I step out of the limo followed by Carly.

"I'll never get used to this!" She exclaims over the commotion.

"Don't worry!" I tell her. "I won't either!" Flicking away a strand of hair from my eyes, I professionally make my way down the small red carpet and into the large building. I ignore Carly's repeated gasps as I'm greeted by Johanne, the owner of People Magazine and the host of this party. Her dark hair seemed overly curled and she's sporting a red designer dress that looks like it was made just for her. It probably was.

"Glad you could make it!" She grins, kissing both my cheeks. "Food and refreshments are over there," She points to a nicely-decorated table with a variety of food and drinks. "And the party, well, it's everywhere else!" 

"Thank you for having me." I smile. "This is my friend, Carly." I motion toward Carly who is looking around, shell-shocked, probably hoping to catch of a glimpse of some of her favorite celebrities.

"Nice to meet you." Johanne smiles back at us. "I hope you enjoy yourself."

"I will!" Carly grins, still looking around like a kid in Candyland.

Johanne chuckles before excusing herself and going to welcome other guests, leaving us to go mingle.

"Ohmigawd!" Carly gasps. "Is that Orlando Bloom?"

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