29: Lunch, Calls, & Harry Styles

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:: One Month Later ::

"Harry!" I giggled, covering my face to keep it clear of whipped cream. "Harry, don't! Paulo will kill us!"

Chuckling, Harry leans back on the driver's seat of the car. We were on lunch break and it had somehow become a tradition to grab fast food every day of work. Harry decided on McDonalds today. Yesterday we'd gone to Steak n' Shake and the day before we had a nice meal at In n' Out Burger. We always had to order through the drive thru and eat in the car to avoid the fans and paparazzi. We didn't have time for that. It's not like our lunch break was very long.

Harry had ordered himself a big mac with a caramel frappe and if you've ever ordered a frappe, you know the top is pure whipped cream. Harry being Harry was threatening to throw it at me, bringing back memories from the beach house a month ago.

"Ok, ok." Harry surrenders. "You're right." I let out a sigh of release, removing my hands from my face. My hands hadn't been off my face a second and I could already feel the whipped sliding down my nose and onto my lips. I should have known Harry wouldn't have backed down so easily.

"You've got a little bit of cream.. on.. your face..." Harry points to my nose and lips, an amused look on his eyes. I frown.

"I hate you." I snap, searching through my bag for a napkin.

"That's a lie." Harry points out. I refuse to tell him he was right, it was a lie and that I could never hate him.

"Seriously," I complain. "They didn't give us napkins?" I feel Harry's fingers on my chin. He tilts my face up to look at him, his green eyes searching mine.

"Maybe I can help." He mutters, leaning in. I roll my eyes, scooting closer and allowing his lips to kiss mine gently. His tongue runs over my top lips removing all signs of whipped cream. I giggle against his lips, deepening the kiss a bit. When he pulls away, his thumb runs over my nose, brushing off the whipped cream that was there.

"We're bad, aren't we?" I chuckle, resisting the urge to kiss him again.

His eyebrows furrow together. "Bad?"

I nod. "At not acting like a couple, at not kissing, at waiting for shooting to end,"

Harry laughs softly, giving my lips a quick peck. "Massively bad,"

"We should go." I say suddenly, gathering up the trash. "Or we'll be late."

"Give me that." Harry takes both bags from me, pushing open the car door.

"Thanks." I smile at him. All he does is wink before walking toward the nearest trashcan,  dumping both bags. He returns in no time, sliding back into the driver's seat and starting the engine.

"I can't believe we've been shooting for a month." I realize as Harry pulls out of the driveway. "In two months, we're done."

"Then I can take you on that date I promised." A cheeky smile curves onto Harry's lips.

"Aren't our daily lunch dates?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"In a way," Harry admits. "But they're not proper." He stops the car at a stoplight. "I mean a real date."

"What's your definition of a real date?" I wonder, folding my hands on my lap. Harry just looks at me, smiling, but not answering my question. I decide to change the subject.

"Aren't you going on tour after the movie?"

Harry frowns, chewing on his lips for a second before saying: "You can come with me."
I can't help but smile at his offer even though it wasn't possible.

Lights, Cameras, & Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now