Chapter#14 - One ends another begins

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I woke that morning feeling alright, I got up and got dressed and walked to the Great Hall for breakfast.  I walked in and I could smell bacon.  mmm YUM I thought I went and sat down at the Slytherin, I sat at the end where noboy else was sitting.  I got myself a plate and some food, I was hungry but at the same time I really didn't want anything to eat.  I looked up and saw Zayn sitting down at the Gryffindor table he smiled and waved.  I smiled at waved back. 

"hey Dany" I looked up and saw M.M 
"Hey" I said 
"why are you waving at him?" she asked me 
"He's my friend" I said 
"A Gryffindor? Really?" she said 
"He's different, he's not one of them" I said 
M.M rolled her eyes, I looked the other way and rolled mine.  
"so how have things been?" M.M asked me 
"Alright what about you?" I asked 
"yea alright" M.M said 
"well that's good" I said taking a bite of egg and bacon.  
"yea" she said 

Oh Wizards this was so weird we used to be good friends and now we could barley talk to one another.  This was killing me.  I finished my breakfast, not really talking to M.M, although I wish I could.  I got up and looked at her, she looked at me 

"arr see you later" I said and walked off quickly before she could say anything in return.  I walked quickly back to the common room.  I sat in my room, class didn't start for a while. I was bouncing up and down on my bed, for some reason I was really nervous I looked out the window which was all fogged up.  I sighed for someone at a school of magic I wasn't very happy. I looked at the time, almost time for class, I picked up my books and headed off to my first class of the day,   Defence Against the Dark Arts.  I liked the class was okay, the only thing weird about it was the teacher he always seemed scared of something.  I walked in and took my seat at the back table.  I was the first one there, I always was the first one there.  Funny that I always thought Granger would be the first one there but I was wrong.  The teacher sat at his desk waiting for the other students to come, I don't think he even knew I was there.  I got out my book and started reading it.  Students started to come into the class, then I noticed someone sitting next to me. I looked up and saw a boy with curly hair and he was wearing a smile. 

"Hi I'm Harry Styles" he said 
"Dany" I said 
"nice to meet you" he said 
"you too" I said 
"I think you know my friends Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis" he said 
"umm yea all but not Louis" I said 
"oh he's just over  there" Harry said pointing to another guy sitting at other desk.  
"may I sit with you" he said 
"oh yea sure" I said 
Harry said down next to me 
"so do you find this teacher weird or is it just me?" he said to me as the class started 
"no it's not just you this teacher is the strangest so far" I said 
Harry laughed quietly 
"so what do you have after this class?" he asked 
"umm....Transfiguration" I said 
"cool me too" he said 
I smiled 
"so did you read this book" Harry said lifting up a defence against the dark arts book, 
"no" I said 
"good me niether" he said 
"how is that good?" I said 
"where in the same boat now so if the teacher says why didn't you read the book I can say you didn't read it either" he said 
"Hey!" I said pushing him a little 
Harry just laughed.  

The time flew right through defence against the dark arts and Transfiguration and so enough it was lunch Harry and I walked into the Great Hall together, 
"Well I'll see you around Dany" he said 
"see you later" I said walking over to the Slytherin table, and sitting next to M.M 
"Hey" I said
"Hey" she said smiling 
"how are things since .............this morning" I said 
"um... look Dany you don't have to do this, this is just weird so...." 
"okay" I said, eating some of my chicken sandwitch 
M.M and I didn't speak a word until she got up to leave 

"Bye" she said and walked off with some of her other friends. 
I smiled I would never forget M.M she was my first friend here at Hogwarts.  I was about to leave when there was a pap on my shoulder I turned to see Zayn. 
"Hey" I smiled 
"hey" he said "do you have a minute?" 
"umm.. yea" I said "what's up?" 
"have you ever read this" he said holding up a  small little book ic ould quiet see what it was called. 
"umm I don't think so" I said 
"good then come with me, I want to read it to you" he said grabbing my hand, and we ran off to the library together.  

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