Chapter Fifteen

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Kishi's side

     I took a long drag from my cigarette and than exhaled. I picked up the phone, but it wasn't mine though. It was Baba's. He had all of their numbers. I'm sure by now Baba has surely realized his phone is gone. Tch. I dialed Morgan's number and on the second ring he answered, "Hello Lupin. It's been a while. You never call you know. What can I do for you?"

     "It's not Baba."

Morgan's side

I sat up from my reclined position on the couch. How the hell?

     "Confused how I got your number even though it's Baba's phone. I'm not stupid! I figured it out! He's had contact with my little sister and you guys all this time! Well Morgan, I might actually be hurt," Kishi laughed and he sounded like he was on the verge of insane, "I took his phone! So now I have your number and my sisters! I know she came to pick me up when I got drunk. She came in your car! I know it all!"

     I sighed, "Why do you continue to torture yourself? Why must you continue to play this game? I already know you want to kill me. Alan even warned me. Cut to the chase Kishi."

     He laughed with cruelty, "Isn't that what we're doing Morgan? I mean here we are!  Your not invincible as you would like to think you are. No. Your still human even though your the devil. Others may not see it, but I do. You've fooled others countless times, but not me!"

     I relaxed back into my seat, "You don't sound well Kishi. Perhaps you should rest."

     "I feel alive. I don't know what your talking about Morgan. This is the most I've felt in years! It's like an adrenaline rush!"

      Kishi. What have you done? He sounded like he had finally gone mad.
     "What? Are you scarred now Morgan? Have you hung up?"

     "No. I'm still here Kishi, but I must go though."

     "Too bad."

     With that he hung up. I put my phone down and looked around me. No one. No one at all. I poured myself a drink and looked to the picture on the table. It was a picture of Su and I. I remember the day it was taken. I wish things were still that simple. I need to talk with the guys, but not Su. I can't tell her yet. Dammit!

Kishi's side

After hanging up I guzzled down some alcohol. Damn. It was strong. I remember the day I finally got a call from my sister.


It was a rainy day. I was sitting at home in my new apartment.  I was thinking of Su. I hoped she was alright. Suddenly my phone rang and I answered,  "Hello?"

     "Hi big brother."

     I nearly dropped the phone, "Su! Your alright! Thank god! Are you hurt? Where are you? Big brother will come to get you! Just tell me where you are."

     I was heading out the door already, "I'm not hurt and I'm fine. I'm with some guys right now and they've taken good care of me. There so nice. Very protective. There a family! It's so cute."

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