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(Note: My story will be different from the manga at times and characters will die that don't in the manga so just note it will be different.)


I woke up rubbing my eyes I sat up and saw I slept on Levi sort of. I looked at him and he had a clip board of papers in his hand he was working on. "You could of moved me, or woken me up." I tell him yawning.  He shrugs acting as if it were nothing. I didn't feel in pain anymore, it could be from all the pain killers I was given. "I want to go to training." I told him. He looked up from his work and shook his head, "The nurses want you here until you're better." "They're not the boss of me and neither are you." I said innocently and stood up making sure I didn't fall. I walked to a mirror were he followed me to and looked at myself. I was shocked, I had bruises everywhere, looked really pale, and was just a complete mess.

 Levi was standing behind me in the mirror. I turned around and looked up at him. I put my now weak arms around his neck, hugging him and he puts his arms around my waist cautious of my bruises hugging me too. We stayed like that for a while until Hanji walked in. I moved my arms away from his neck and looked up at him, "I have to go get ready for training."

I then walk away to my room. I past Mikasa and she looks surprised, "Are you okay Oli?" I nod and she gives me a smirk walking away. I walked into the room and go to my side of it. I grab a clean pair of jeans, a black cami top, and Levi's cape. I walk to the shower taking an extra long shower since it's been days since I've been able to shower.

40 minutes later~

I walk out to the training area holding Levi's cape so I can give it back to him and be there to train but no one was there. I walk around and see people using there gear swinging around. I swing to a rooftop grunting in pain, and see Titans. I look around confused and see Sasha near by, "Sasha!" I call out swinging to her, she looks at me than rushed to me, "Titans breached the wall, we were ordered by Commander Erwin to take out as many as we can." She pants. I nod and see a Titan behind her, "Sasha, look out!" I yell pushing her out of the way as I swing upwards towards the Titan slicing it's nape. I swing back towards a roof as the Titan collapses and once I get to the roof I rolled so I don't hurt myself. Which still hurt but probably not as bad as it could've. I threw Levi's cape onto myself putting the hood on it my head. Where was he at? I know I shouldn't worry since he is humanities strongest but I can't help it.

I swing to a Titan that is a few rooftops away. It wasn't that big. Only like 7 meters. I carefully glided to it and sliced it's nape with ease. I forgot how stress relieving killing Titans can be. Well as long as they're not like the Female Titan. I think to myself.

I look over to see a group of the other cadets swinging around attacking a big group of Titans. "Oli!" I hear someone scream my name. I turn and see Sasha in the hand of a Titan. My eyes widen as I run along the rooftops for her, "Sasha!" I yell getting ready to use my gear to kill the Titan but the Titans huge cheesy grin looked at her crushing her. "NO!" I yell really loud seeing Sasha's blood splatter on my face. Rage fills me and all I see is red. I swing up cutting the Titans nape multiple times. I swing to every Titan I see killing it with ease. Tears fell from my eyes as I swing to every Titan in my area killing it. I screamed and didn't stop. I felt someone tackle me on a roof stopping me. I look up screaming at who was holding me down to see it was Levi. I couldn't stop though I tried to shove him off of me, I kicked and screamed louder. Everything was still red.

"Oli, stop!" He yelled at me trying to get me to stop. But I felt like I couldn't. Sasha was there for me since the start and now she's gone. I screamed louder trying to get out from under him when he puts his hand over top of my mouth muffling my scream. Eventually I stopped with tears falling from my eyes but I wasn't crying. I struggled even more not thinking straight I tried kicking him off but failed. I couldn't breathe and his hand was covering my mouth and nose. I tried to break free wanting to kill every Titan but I couldn't.

"Captain Levi!" Someone yelled needing help. Levi got up and swung to Bertoldt who was struggling getting the nape of a Titan. I took my chance to breathe and got up swinging away killing TItans.

Soon there weren't anymore Titans and I went to my room and walked in, slamming the door behind me. I fell onto my bed screaming as loud as I could in my pillow. I was still a really loud scream since it was a bad quality pillow. I screamed and tears fell from my eyes. She's dead. Sasha is dead. I heard Mikasa walk in to see what I was doing, "What happened!?" She asked not knowing. I looked up at her with bloodshot eyes that tears were falling from and said, "Sasha. Is. Dead." In a stone cold voice. She looks at me shocked, "Oh." I continue to scream into my pillow when she pat my shoulder leaving. I started pulling my hair crying more. 

It should've been me. I should have stayed with her.  Just like I should've stayed with my big sister. Or ran off with my little sister. All of this is my fault.

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