2. Nicknames and Party Plans

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Marceline and Princess Bubblegum had a lovely chat about different topics, until the sun set, and the moon poked it's head out above the hills.  Pb let out a yawn, and tried in vain to stay awake. She was really enjoying the company, and to be honest she didn't want Marceline to leave. Marceline stood up, and pushed in her pink chair. "Well princess it was nice to meet you, but it seems that you are tired, so I will be a lady and let you sleep." 

"Ya I need some sleep." Bubblegum agreed, but there was an edge of sadness to her voice. Marceline floated over and patted her on the head "Hey don't look so sad I will come visit." 

"Alright um.. thanks for coming Marceline, please come visit again soon!" she said sweetly.

Marceline waved to her, and with that she left the kingdom of sweets. Bubblegum sighed, she instantly felt lonely. She had wished she had stayed longer, but she needed sleep and she had a lo of work to do. She sighed and slowly walked up to her room. She really hopped Marceline will visit again, she really needed friends. 

                                                                              ~Two weeks later~

Marceline hadn't visited the Candy Kingdom in two weeks. Bubblegum felt royally hurt, she had thought that Marceline would visit, but Marceline was a vampire. The Vampire Queen at that, she was probably bored out of her mind from talking to her. Heck she just met her once, she could be trying to get on her good side so she could slaughter her kingdom! She let out a huff, and swung her legs back and forth from her lab chair. All of a sudden she felt a cold draft on her back, and she swiveled in her chair to see that her window was open. She let out a exasperated sigh, and walked over to close it. Bubblegum felt a bit spooked as she had remembered closing the window, but she was so exhausted from lab work that at this point she could have done anything. Bonnibel reached the window only to feel two cold arms snake around her waist. She let out a squeal, and whirled around to see a amused Marceline. 

"Marceline what the hell!" Bubblegum grumped. Marceline stuck out her tongue "Oh, are you unhappy to see me?" 

"No..no it's just you haven't visited in two weeks, and then you show up uninvited!" Bubblegum said her voice was evident with sadness. Marceline frowned "I'm really sorry Bonnibel, I got busy."

"Alright fine, but do you have any idea what time it is!"

"Uh... nighttime?" Marceline questioned. Pb face palmed "Marceline it's like 12:00 am!" 

"And I'm a vampire so technically it's my afternoon." she replied in a matter of fact tone.

"Why are you here anyway?" Bubblegum said, letting out a yawn. 

"I was wondering if you want to go to a party in the woods near the grasslands, but it seems your tired, so I should just leave." Marceline said floating towards the window.  

"Don't leave I can stay up!" Bubblegum stated. Marceline laughed "Are you sure hun, I mean I thrive during the night, and you thrive during the day." Bubblegum nodded her head. 

"I can stay up please take me to the party." Bubblegum cried giving her puppy eyes. Marceline sighed "Fine go change, but if you fall asleep during the ride I'm taking you back here." 

Bubblegum's eyes lit up "Okay, but what should I wear?" 

"It's a party in the forest, so just find something that looks like my outfit." 

"I only have frilly stuff." Bubblegum said awkwardly.

"Don't worry I came prepared." Marceline replied throwing her a rock t-shirt, and black skinny jeans. Bubblegum beamed at her and quickly ran up to her room to change. Fifteen minutes later Pb appeared again wearing the out fit, but she had also put her her hair in a pony tail, and she was wearing combat boots. Marceline's eyes widened, she looked really hot in that outfit. 

"You look good Bonnibel." Marceline said with a smirk. Pb's face turned a bright shade of red "Oh um thank you Marcy." 

Marceline cocked her eyebrow "Marcy? Is that your new nickname for me?" 

"Oh..um yes as long as your okay with it." 

"Of course as long as I can call you Bonnie." Marceline said giving her a toothy smile. Bubblegum nodded. She really liked the thought of Marceline calling her Bonnie, it sounded endearing. A silly smile slowly creeped across her face. "Hey Bonnie you ready to go?" 

Bubblegum snapped out of her sappy thoughts and replied with a yes. Marceline floated over and swiftly picked her up bridal style. Bubblegum let out a little gasp and squirmed. "Cool it Bon Bon I'm going to fly us there, so we get to the party faster." she said patting her on the head. Bonnibel gave her a sour look at the Bon Bon nickname, but never the less she relaxed in Marceline's arms. With that Marceline stepped onto the windowsill and jumped off. Pb didn't expect this and let out a scream, while shutting her eyes tight. Marceline just let out a laugh, and finally she flew upwards, away from the perilous doom of being smashed on the candy streets below. "WHAT THE GLOB MARCELINE!!!" Bubblegum roared. Marceline's laughter died and grew to roars of laughter. 

"Calm down Bonnie your not going to fall I know what I am doing ." 

Bubblegum gave her a nasty look "That's not the point, I mean what if you weren't able to! Then we'd be dead!" 

"You need to loosen up, maybe even get wild girl." Marceline chastised.

"Sure I can, but I'm a ruler with duties, responsibilities, rules.." 

Marceline shushed her "Well tonight you are no longer Princess Bubblegum of the Candy Kingdom, now you are Bonnibel the normal candy person." 

"But.. but.. but that's..  I have to rule!" Bubblegum argued. The Vampire Queen rolled her eyes "I'm a ruler, and I am chill now it's time for you to learn how to relax." 

Pb sighed in defeat "Fine teach me your ways." 

Marceline smirked and did a twirl in the air "That's what I like to hear." 

They landed at the party, and instantly Bonnibel felt out of her element. The loud music pounded in her ears, and the smell of alcohol was too much for her. She tried to walk away, but Marceline noticed her unease and grabbed her. "No chickening out now Bon Bon." she said with a sly grin. 

"Fine.. you win." she uttered quietly. 

Marceline laughed and grabbed her hand dragging her to the dance floor. The poor pink princess started to get nervous. Every eye seemed to be on her, and the new scene over whelmed her. She didn't like change that much, she only liked it if she made the change. Marceline squeezed her hand, and let go once they reached the center. "You ready Bonnie?" Marceline said in a smooth tone. Bubblegum nodded, and nervously tightened her pony tail.  

"Alright Bon Bon lets get WILD!!" she cheered. 

~Hi so sorry it took a while to be updated! Okay so this chapter was focused more on Bubblegum's thoughts, but next chapter should be focused on Marceline's. Also sorry if it has errors I am not a professional! Anyways vote and comment for more!~

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